1. Principles and practices¶
For me the goal of this week is getting into the habbit of documenting my process and learning the basics of web development.
- [x] Read, sign the student/instructor/lab agreements, and commit to your repos
- [x] Work through a git tutorial
- [x] Build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project
I had some basic we bevelpment experence from an internship, but as its had been over 10 years I wanted to play arount with the tools before jumping into a tutorial. The frist steps were getting some software installed and getting the files from the FabCloud synced down to my laptop
Software installed to acheve goals¶
1. Read and Sign the agreements.¶
Step 0:¶
Before I could sign the agreements I needed to clone my fablab repo onto my machine so I could then make edits and push changes.
I downloaded Homebrew following the instructions on the website. An after some things not working i noticed that there are follow up instructions on in the terminal. Under “Next Steps” there are some lines you must copy into the terminal in order to add homebrew to your path, this is important as it means otherwise you cant use the brew comands
After this I used:
git clone https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/academany/fabacademy/2025/labs/creativespark/students/carl-mcateer.git
I then had a bit of trouble with my username and password, but after some resetting i was able to clone my repo.
After this i had to navagate to my repo in the terminal. The two basic comands I used were ls and cd
LS lists the all the files and folders in a directory (see below)
Note: I used the native file converter on my mac to change the screenshots from png to jpg
Step 1 - Agreements:¶
Went to this link and copyed the text of the student agreement. I then made a new file using
touch agreement.html Open this file and copy in the contence of another page on the site and add replace the contence of the main div with a paragraph tags that contain the signed agreement.
We also need a way to navagate to this file so I have added the following to the Navagation bar at the top of each file
Step 2 - Pushing:¶
After these were added the following git comands sent the updates to the repo.
First use ls and cd to navagate to the main directory.
git add .
git commit -m "My Agreement Page"
git push
Step 3 - Hit refresh on your site 10000 times:¶
After that push my files have been launched from my little laptop onto the world wide web. To cap things off and see the frutes of my labour I go to my live page and git the refresh button untill I can see my agreement in all its glory.
End (Or is it?)
The keen eye might notice that i have updated my website since i wrote this page. After seeing Mkdocs in action i just felt that the ease of wrighting directly in the document rather than having a seperate wrod doc that i would translate into HTML was worth commiting to early on.
So to that end see my step by step for installing Mkdocs with the Simple-blog theme below