2. Computer Aided design¶
Weekly Ojective¶
- model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, …) a possible final project,
- compress your images and videos, and post a description with your design files on your class page
This week I learned 3D and 2D computer designs softwares and designed my final project in these softwares.
Useful links¶
CAD Software¶
3D Design¶
SculptGL is a free, web-based 3D sculpting application that is similar to ZBrush.
- Brush: Draw on the surface of the object
- Inflate: Expand the surface outward
- Twist: Twist the shape
- Smooth: Soften edges on the object
- Flatten: Make the surface flat
- Pinch: Make the shape sharper
- Crease: Adding creases on the surface
- Drag: move and drag
- Move: Reshape the object
- Paint: Adding colors on the project
- Symmetry: Turn on or off
My 10-minute Sculpture
Our teacher Ms.Horstman asked us to create an object using SculptGL to experience the software. I really like an animation called Doraemon. So I found an image of the chracter and tried to mimic the expressions.
I used Brush command to draw the shape of the eyes and nose. Then I used Crease feature to draw out the whiskers and the mouth.
Blender is a 3D-design software. It can render the file and create animation of the object moving.
Basic Features¶
We used a monkey to test out the features in Blender.
First, I used Shift+A to activate Add feature. Then, I added the Monkey Mesh
Then I switch the Mode to Edit Mode.
In Vertex mode, I selected some of the vertices on its ear and applied Move/Copy feature to make the ear longer.
For the other ear, I did Rotate feature.
Then I switched the mode to Edge and selected the edges on its mouth. Then I used Scale Feature to make its mouth longer.
Note: Use Shift key to select multiple edges.
Next, I switched to Face mode and select two faceson its forehead. I used Extrude (E) to make two horns on its head.
That is the look of the monkey after modified.
Now I opened a new blender file and added a cube in the center.
I went to Edit Mode and selected the front face of the cube. I right clicked and selcted Delete face
Then I gained the face back using Undo (Ctrl+Z). In Edit Mode, I use Shift+A and added a plane. Then I move the plane above the cube.
Then I scaled the plane twice as big as the top surface of the cube.
I switched back to Object Mode and selected Physics tab.
I added collision and cloth features to the plane.
Under Cloth feature, go to Collision tab and be sure to check the Object Collision and Self Collison box.
The first time, I forgot to turn on both of the feature and the plane just passed through the cube.
Under Cloth feature, you can choose the type of cloth by click the list pattern.
Then I went to Edit mode and select the plane. Right click the plane and select Subdivide. This feature divides up the object so that in the animation each of the divided part can move freely and will make the plane more like cloth.
Be sure the number of cut range from 1-20. Otherwise, it is going to break your computer.
Then click on the Play feature at the bottom and you can preview the animation.
I wanted my cloth to look more like a cloth. So I selected “Shade Smooth” Feature.
Then I got this!
This is the video of my animation:
Text to CAD¶
Zoo is an Text-CAD AI online tool. I tried Zoo using its sample sentence which creates a gear.
I also tried another AI tool called MakerWorld. It helps you generate a character. I put this description in:
And that’s what I get:
It is so cute, isn’t it :)
3D design of my Final Project¶
I used Fusion 360 because I have had plenty of experience of this software. After I tried Blender, I felt Fusion 360 is my favorite for 3D design.
First, I created a 61cm x 36.5cm rectangle on the bottom face.
Then I extruded the rectangle by 5cm
Since my project is a map, I found a world map online and made it as my reference. I created a frame of my interactive map.
Next, I created an offset plane on the top of the rectangular prism and inserted my reference image using “Canvas” feature.
Then I created sketch on the top plane and use spline tool to sketch out the outlines of the continents.
It took me 2 hours to finsih sketching the outlines of the continents.
I extruded the outlines inside for 3cm.
Finally, I went the website of my school’s Global Study program, and then marked the countries where our Global Study Program includes.
Then I made spots for the buttons between the countries related to our Global Study Program and create a spot for the screen. I also added the names of the countries beside the buttons. I was think about cutting out the text and pour resin in. The second option is to raster the text using laser cutter.
Finally, I extruded the spots for screen and press buttons by 4cm.
I added Appearance feature to make the frame look more real.
I’m done with my 3D design of my Final Project!
2D Design¶
For 2D design software, I chose Inkscape because Elaine Liu said in her website that Inkscape is easier to use than CorelDraw. Besides, you can use it on your personal device.
I first downloaded Inkscape. With the experience of CorelDraw, I knew that in order to do vector, I need to convert the image to Bitmap. I asked ChatGPT for the instructions.
First, I downloaded Fab Lab logo from Internet and then imported into Inkscape.
Then I went to Path tab –> Trace Bitmap. Since I wanted to keep the color of the image, I switched to Multicolor tab and chose color for Detection Mode
Then I clicked Convert and got this!
Now the image becomes a vector!
Note: Don’t forget our laser cutter needs the outline to be hairline to vector!
I was thinking of raster the names of the countries onto the frame of the interactive map. Therefore, I did text to raster in Inkscape. I followed the instruction of ChatGPT.
I first used Text tool in Inkscape. However, when I typed, it gave me blanks.
Then I figured out that I did not turn the fill option on. Then I typed out all the names of the countries and started to arrange them.
I selected all the text. Then I followed ChatGPT’s instructions and went to Make a Bitmap Copy under Edit tab.
Then the text were comverted to bitmap and it is able to be rastered!
Note: I asked ChatGPT. It said I do not need to convert text to bitmap. Instead, I can just convert the text to path (Path –> Object to Path). I wil try both of them and see which one works.
Video Processing¶
Screen Recording¶
I finished designing an animation in Blender. But the rendering took forever, so Ms.Horstman suggested to use screen recording for my animation.
I was going to use FFmpeg. However, after I downloaded the source code, I could not figure out how to use it. I asked my fellow student Noah Smith for help. He told me to use OBS Studio. So I downloaded it and found it pretty helpful.
First, I asked ChatGPT for the process of screen recording using OBS Studio. Then I followed its instructions.
Step 1: Add a New Scene
Step 2: Add a new source and select Window Capture
Step 3: Select the Window needed to record
Step 4: Click “Start Recording” and click “Stop Recording” when you are done.
Step 5: Select “Show Recording” in File tab and then you can find where your video is!
Video Compressor¶
I used the recommended video compressor called Handbrake.
First, I dropped the video file into HandBrake.
Then, I followed this tutorial and set up every setting I need.
After setting up, I clicked “Start Encode” and it started to compress.
When it finished, you can find the file in the appointed folder.
It compressed the video from 77.80 MB to 1.25MB.
Image Compressor¶
I get a great image compressor from Rico Kanthatham during Global Open Time. It is called XnConvert. After I downloaded it, I followed this tutorial.
First, I selected the file that contains all of my images and insert them into the Input tab.
Then, I used the all the setting from the tutorial: Width: 600 and Height: 400 and checked Keep the Ratio box.
Next, I went to Output tab and select the file where I want my convered image to be. Then click “Convert”.
Finally, you are done with your image compression!
AI Use¶
I used ChatGPT to help me figuring out how to use the new softwares. You can see all my conversation with ChatGPT here
Downloading Files¶
You can download all of my files here
Problem Encountered¶
AFter I finished everything, I was trying to upload my video. However, It appears grey when I uploaded to my website. I asked Kathryn Wu for help. She told me to put the video directly under doc folder and the most important thing is do ../../
insteead of ../doc/
! But I did not like my videoes laying directly in the folder, so I tried to move it to image folder. Then I went to Angelina’s repo and checked how she embedded her video. Then I copied her code and my video worked perfectly.
It was a very intense week for me because I have tried a lot of new CAD softwares. Among the 3D design software, I like Fusion 360 the best because I have been using it for a long time. Blender is more of a software for animation. For the 2D software, I used to use CorelDraw in school. Now I feel like I can use Inkscape at home because they are very similar.
Great Thanks¶
Thank you Ms.Horstman for teaching us how to use Blender and SculptGL and other AI generated CAD.