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Week 1 - Setting Up Gitlab Site

Task: Setup Gitlab on our computers, gain a basic understanding of how to use Gitlab through Visual Studio Code, and setup documentation framework.

Intro to Gitlab

I was introduced to GitLab through the student bootcamp that explained the basics of using GitLab and what we should expect when using GitLab. Later, Dr. Taylor, an instructor at Charlotte Latin Fab Academy, gave us more specifics and guided us in navigating Gitlab. He also warned us the dangers of overloading the servers and explained how to set it up using this slideshow.

Getting the Repository on my Computer

With the help of my fellow peer, Noah Smith, I was able to set up this website using Markdown as lightweight markup language to make coding the website easier and more efficient. First, I downloaded GitBash. Then, I got my SSH key by entering the following inside my computer's command prompt and replacing the email with the email associated with my GitLab account.

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

**I also learned that the command prompt does not like using Ctrl+V to paste text. To solve this, I right clicked and selected paste instead.

Generating my SSH Key

When it asks for the file to save your key to, press enter and the key will be automatically be saved inside your files most likely under a file named ".ssh". Then it will ask for a passphrase that you can optionally fill out. After following these steps, your command prompt will give you a square with dots inside. This is your SSH key.

Adding the SSH Key to GitLab

By now, your ssh key will have been generated and saved inside your files. Then, go to your GitLab and click your profile icon in the top left. Click Preferences/SSH Keys/Add new key. add ssh Access your key by typing this command after Windows Key + R:


I opened the PUB file by opening in Notepad and copied the text. Going back to GitLab, I pasted the copied text as shown below. Image of adding new ssh key

N.B. This is from an example picture I found from this website

Scroll down and make sure the key is set to never expire. I set the usage type to "Authentication & Signing" and then pressed add key.

Installing and Setting Up Visual Studio Code (VS)

I would recommend to use this software because it is easy to edit my documentation, save progress, and commit. To install download from and select your computer's operating software.

Go to your project and click "Code" then copy the text under "Clone with SSH". I opened GitBash and cloned the repository onto my computer by creating a new file then typed the following in GitBash:

mkdir fab

Press Enter

cd fab

Press Enter

git clone

Paste your copied text from GitLab. Now my repo is cloned on my computer.

Coding in VS

Between the choices of using HTML and Markdown, I chose Markdown for more efficient documenting. To install MkDocs, I followed this guide and used this reference to help me navigate using Markdown.

Organizing Files in VS

When adding images into my website, I struggled to get the images from my computer's files because I did not know how to reference the image. So I looked to ChatGPT to help me. (Chat GPT log). Using Chat GPT, I learned that in order to upload images that are in my personal computer, I have to put them in a specific folder in my file explorer, which I named "Images", so that when I have an image that I want to use, I just have to simply drag that file from the file explorer into the folder and reference that image.


I also learned that whenever I add a new page to my website, after pressing the new file, I have to name the file the the ending of ".md" so that VS recognizes it as a markdown file, therefore creating a new page.

Here is what the folder looks like with the folder with images inside and my pages marked with ".md":

screenshot of file explorer

Final Project

For my Fab Academy Final Project, I will partially re-create the remote controlled "hampster ball" known as Sphero(at least the movement abilities of it). I was inspired to make this because one of the reasons I went into engineering was because I was always loved to play with this toy as a kid and always wondered, how does that work?

Sphero Inspiration:

Sphero image

This is a rough sketch of my RC Hampster Ball. The outer casing will be made out of a semi-transparent glass that can open up for replacing batteries and inspecting the inner parts. Also there will be a motor that will be to the shape of the inner case, allowing the ball to move. sketch view top down view