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1. Principles and practices & Project management

This week I set up the Windows Subsystem for Linux, got started with Git as well as MkDocs and came up with a rough sketch of what i want my final project to be.


As I have heard the documentation process takes up most of your time during FabAcademy. So far the following software tools have served me really well.

Notepad++ is a simple but powerful text editor and Notepad replacement that supports several common programming languages.

Microsoft PowerToys is a set of useful tools including image resizer, advanced paste, PowerRename and mouse without borders. That last one comes in especially handy if you are working on multiple computers at once.

Greenshot saves a lot of time with its ability to set up a custom storage location and automatically open a new screenshot in MS Paint or a different program of your choosing.

I’m sure this list will keep on growing as i work on more assignments.

Setting up WSL

The first step in the process of getting your website up and running is setting up WSL or Windows Subsystem for Linux. It could be because english is not my first language but i feel like that name should be the other way around. Just to be clear with WSL you are installing a Linux environment inside of your current Windows operating system. Anyways, let’s get started!

  • Open PowerShell or Command Prompt as an administrator and enter wsl --install to install an Ubuntu environment

    • by adding -d <DistroName> you can choose a different Linux distribution

      • wsl --list --online will show you a list of all available distributions
  • when the installation is done you are going to need to restart your computer

  • Ubuntu should now be an app that opens a terminal

  • on first start it will ask you to setup a new user that will be considered an administrator

  • from this point onward it is recommended to regularly update and upgrade your packages by entering
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Getting started with Git

Since the website’s repository will be hosted on GitLab you will need to install Git and pair your computer with your GitLab repository via SSH

  • in your WSL terminal enter sudo apt-get install git followed by entering git init

  • next you will need to set up your Git config file by entering the following commands
git config "<Your Name>"
git config "<>"
git config --global "<Your Name>"
git config --global "<>"
  • don’t just copy and paste it, remember to actually type in your name and e-mail

  • enter ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "Comment" to generate an SSH key pair

  • the -C "Comment" part’s purpose is to let you keep track of what this key pair is used for

  • I for instance wrote -C "Home Workstation so GitLab will automatically label this key accordingly when we add it in the next step

  • you can specify a name and password for your key file but i just went with the default name and no password by simply hitting enter when asked

  • the gibberish you now see in your terminal is the new key’s fingerprint, keep it secret, keep it safe!

  • to add the key to your GitLab account click on your avatar in the top left corner and go to edit profile

  • click on the SSH Keys menu and add a new key

  • open your newly generated “” file with an editor (such as Notepad++) and copy all of it’s content

  • paste it into the box labeled “Key” in GitLab and click on “Add key”

  • after a few seconds you should receive an e-mail letting you know that a new SSH key has been added to your GitLab account

    • while we’re still in here let’s enable dark mode, a little bit below the “SSH Keys” menu you will find “Preferences”

    • I’m a dark appearance, blue theme, monokai syntax kind of guy, what about you?

  • add a new folder in your WSL environment by entering mkdir <foldername> in the terminal

  • navigate into that new folder by typing cd <foldername>

  • here i added another subfolder but you don’t have to

  • this is where all of the files you need for your website will be living

  • in your GitLab repo, click on the blue button labeled “Code” and copy the URL listed under “Clone with SSH”

  • enter git clone <link to your repo> in the terminal to basically download your repository

  • since this is the first time using the new SSH key for anything it will ask you to confirm the connection by typing yes

  • these files are kind of unnecessary but a good test to see if everything works so far

  • since i am going to use MkDocs i deleted all of the previously downloaded files and replaced them with the files found in the Student template MkDocs repository

  • navigate to the directory where your repo files are via the terminal and enter git add . to stage all changes (added, deleted or changed files)

  • confirm that all files and changes have been successfully staged with git status

  • commit the staged files with git commit -a -m "comment"

    • don’t forget to include an annotation so you can keep track of what you changed at a later date
  • all there is left to do is push all local changes to your GitLab repository by entering
    git push origin main

  • GitLab will take a little while to deploy the changes to your website, you can keep track of the status by clicking here

  • when deployment has been successful you can open up your website and bask in the glory of… the template you are about to change…

  • before you can customize the site though: more setup 👇

Installing MkDocs

  • to use MkDocs and see the changes our site locally we’re going to need Python

  • by now there should be a whole lot of text in your WSL terminal, if you are like me and find it distracting to look at a wall of gibberish hit CTRL + L to clear the console

  • to install Python enter sudo apt-get install python3 followed by sudo apt install python3-pip and sudo apt-get update

  • next we can install MkDocs by typing sudo apt install mkdocs

  • with mkdocs serve we should now be able to start our locally hosted website so we can edit and see the changes without having to push to GitLab every time

  • looks like we’re missing something essential, good thing the template came with a requirements.txt file

  • by entering pip install -r requirements.txt everything we were missing should be added

  • uhhh… or not…

  • fortunately we only need to install and enter a virtual environment to be able to use pip, otherwise it would conflict with other package managers

  • enter sudo apt install python3.12-venv and confirm the installation

  • now we can create a virtual environment by first navigating to the base directory with cd (if you aren’t there already) followed by typing python3 -m venv .venv

  • you can enter it with source .venv/bin/activate and leave it with deactivate

  • for now we will stay in the virtual environment and install the missing components

  • navigate to your repository directory and enter pip install -r requirements.txt

  • this should have taken care of the last necessary bits so let’s try mkdocs serve again

  • and there it is folks! open up your favorite browser and enter localhost:8000 to see your creation

  • if you want to stop the server hit CTRL + C

    • you don’t need to stop the server to change any files, every time you save your changes or add anything it recompiles automatically


To start off let’s talk about some basics

  • the general folder structure of a markdown based website looks something like this
└── root
    ├── mkdocs.yml
    ├── requirements.txt
    └── docs
        ├── about
        │   └──
        ├── assignments
        │   ├──
        │   ├──
        │   └── ...
        └── projects
  • starting in the root directory we find an mkdocs.yml file, this is where you define your basic site info, link to extensions and plugins and adjust the global style

  • as we have talked about above, the requirements.txt is used to install said plugins

  • next up is the docs folder with its own file

  • every folder and subfolder with a .md file generates a page on your website

Here is a little example of the file found in the docs folder which builds my Home page

# Home

__Hi there and welcome to my FabAcademy 2025 page__

This is where all of my **[assignments](./assignments/** and **[projects](./projects/** will be documented

resulting in:

You might have already seen my About page

which is built with this (slightly abridged) code:

# About me


Hi! My name is Julian Baßler. And so on and so forth...

## My background

As i have always been interested in computers and technology...

Something about parameters, link benchy... **[3Dbenchy](** 

Pandemic, motivation, sad face emoji...
E-mail notification, happy face emoji...

Link to HRW FabLab... **[HRW FabLab](** 

10 minutes and all that...

Maintain, upgrade, learn :)

Now that i have shown you some examples we can focus on the fun part (depending on who you ask)

  • head into the root directory and open mkdocs.yml with your favorite text editor

  • for the most part the comments in this file are pretty self explainatory but if you want to dive deeper into it than my personal customizations feel free to check out MkDocs for more detailed guides

  • the first thing of course is to change the site_name, site_description, site_author, site_url and copyright parameters

  • next i opted to remove the whole social media section, since the only platform i am really active on is YouTube and my channel only has Destiny 2 related content, so this didn’t feel like the right place to plug that
    i still need those red boarders from Garden of Salvation though, so if you want to farm some runs let me know!

  • by the way that small text was achieved by writing
    <sub><sup><sub><sup> small text </sup></sub></sup></sub>

    • you can further decrease the size of the text by wrapping it in more
      <sub><sup> </sup></sub>
  • after that i changed up the theme settings a little, here is what i went with:

  name: material
    scheme: slate
    primary: custom
    accent: custom
    text: Ubuntu
    code: Ubuntu Mono
    logo: fontawesome/solid/globe
  favicon: images/globe.svg
    - navigation.tabs
    - navigation.instant
  • a part of me wanted to set the font to Comic Sans but i decided against it because this right here is very serious business

  • anyways let me explain some of the things i just changed

    • scheme: slate basically puts the whole site in dark mode, which as you might have guessed i am quite a big fan of

    • next i added custom primary and accent colors by creating a stylesheets folder in the docs directory in which i placed an extra.css file and wrote

:root {
  --md-primary-fg-color:        #314d6e;
  --md-primary-fg-color--light: #6a7f98;
  --md-primary-fg-color--dark:  #1a2c41;
:root {
  --md-accent-fg-color:        #576e8a;
  --md-accent-fg-color--light: #7689a1;
  --md-accent-fg-color--dark:  #3e5065;
  • to find the right colors i used the ColorKit Color Picker

  • if you want to learn more about changing colors in Material for MkDocs take a look at these guides for the built in color palette and custom colors

  • the last things i changed were the logo and favicon which are somewhat hidden, you can find them at the end of this rabbit hole 👇

  • once i picked out the one i wanted, i copied it and pasted it into the images folder found in the docs directory

  • that’s about it for now, go ahead and try it for yourself but maybe open a window first and remember to stay hydrated!