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About me

Hi! My name is Julian Baßler. I am a student based in Bottrop, working in a local FabLab connected to Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences.

For the most part my work revolves around keeping all of our 3D printers alive and serving as comedic relief every now and then.

My background

As i have always been interested in computers and technology in general it was inevitable that i would get a 3D printer at some point and since the summer of 2018 after calling it quits on a barely paid internship i am the proud owner of a Tevo Tornado.

Learning about how the machine works and what a huge difference a few small slicer changes can have on the quality of your printed parts was absolutely amazing.
All it took was one good looking 3Dbenchy and i was hooked.

Over the first two years of the pandemic my motivation to study sank to an all time low because all the hands on time i had gotten used to now was nowhere to be found.
And that is exactly when i got the luckiest e-mail notification ever to pop up on my phone.

It said that the fine people from HRW FabLab were looking for someone to keep an eye on their 3D printers.

I wish there had been someone to check the time but between me receiving that e-mail, writing an application, having my parents proof read it and hitting send it can’t have been more than 10 minutes.

Ever since then i have tried my best to maintain and upgrade our machines and learn as much as possible in the process.