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My Final Project Progess and Tracking page

Final Project Progress and Tracking page

I have decided to choose Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser as my final project.

During my third week of Fab Academy, my local instructors called upon me to present my final idea and discussed for the requirements of the materials required.

project proposal

project idea discussion

I have got some recommendatons to look for container feature, to include both laser cut and 3D printing, top lid should be able to open/close to replace solution.I was also advised to plan to place the electronic devices on board, and to add vinyl stickers to look good.

First Prototype using Cardboard for Final Project.

During, fifth week, i have prototyped the casing for my final project.

I am slightly changing my project name as Automatic hand washing system as recommened by my instructors.

Here is my work using cardboard.I have created two case boxes, one for detecting while entering to washroom with ultrasonic sensor, sound and ESP32 microcontroller.

case box 1 detect system

Another case box created was for soup dispenser along with motor and pump, ultrasonic sensor which can be displayed near wash basin.

casing boxes

Further, i was instructed to study on the force required to pour/dispense the soap solution and its mechanism to develop.Also to look on motor and its position, load for dispenser container.

Flow chart for Automatic Soap Dispenser System

During my 6th week of Fab Academy, i tried to develop a flow chart for my project but can be edited later as i go.

flow chart for final project

Materials list for Project

I also made a list of materials required and tried to see the pins for the components while i go along with my week 6 assignment.

mateerial list for final project