Final Project

01 — Final Project Research

List item summary: Below is the first step I took to narrow down what it is I wanted to create.

Techniques/ Physical Medias

Broadly below are a few concepts I am interested in playing with:


02 — My Final Project Working Plan: Three / Basin

List item summary: This is the project ;) or at least the final project will be some variation of these themes/ ideas.

How I can make people notice it

When I create art my biggest worry is that the work will be ignored or the response of it will be one of apathy. I have poured many hours into work or events only to have it fall completely flat. I feel like that leaves me two options either create something really offensive.

Most art is ignored or forgotten wether it is technically good or even great. So how do I create something that is memorable? I think there a few ways to approach this. One approach is to make something really crass, gross, violent etc. like those T-Shirts that souvinear shops sell in El Born that say like “Fuck Me” or something. This is basically how thumbnails work on social media websites often playing off of our impulse of disgust. This is a kind of High jack of our senses that pisses me off… Anyways more to say here, but moving on…

What I am personally drawn to

As an artist I keep on coming back to the idea that I want to prompt the kind of feeling and experience that is what I am often searching for. This is a feeling that what I am doing is meaningful, and my attention is pointed singularly in a specific direction and not back at myself (rumination). We do live in attention economy and the downside of this is a feeling of constantly feeling destablized as our focus is pulled in one direction than another. For this I want to create a meditative experience.


I am drawn to creating work and have a preference for work that prompts a phenomnological experience of something rather than being about something. That is the particpant does not need to ‘get’ the work as a prerequisite to the experiencing the work.

So what the is it?

Scenography of Basin / Three

As you enter an empty room you notice a ploom of water vapor coming from the center of a polished disc illuminated with a warm white spotlight. Around this disc you see two people on opposite sides cross legged sitting on meditation cushions (zafu). You go to the last available cushion and sit. There is a small plinth underneath the disc that keeps it elevated so you can see the water droplets that gently fall into the bowl. On the floor where you are sitting their is a wristband that you were told that can track your heartrate. You put the wristband on. After sitting for 10 min and relaxing a bit you notice that a water drop starts dropping directly in front of you into the basin. You start smelling an aroma of eucalyptous grow stronger the longer you sit as the ploom of steam comes from the center of the basin.

Basic description—

Inital Thoughts on Code Behaviors—

Technical Project Planning

Random Fire Experiments—

Draft: Spiral Development Path—

  1. Start with a dish and a single pump setup with rate control and cycle duration control through two serperate pots. Create a software and hardware setup that allows you to accurately dose the liquid and characterize the height the dropper can be at.
  1. Integrate Pulse sensor and try to get it to trigger pump cycle every fourth beat.
  1. Integrate all 3 pump and pulse capturing systems.
  1. Move from demo setup to final polished piece including simple pully system to refill overhead water dropper.

Specialty Component Working BOM

Hardware / Details and Sourcing

Other Stuff