My notes about Hextra Theme

My notes about Hextra Theme

Useful links and references I have used:

Organizing files

By default, Hugo searches for Markdown files in the content directory and the structure of this directory determines the final output structure. Here is my proposal.


I have decided to organise all the images corresponding to each week in a separate folder.
For many Hugo themes, including Hextra, static files like images are placed in the static/ folder
If I place an image in static/images/About_01.jpg the accesible URL in the browser is /images/About01.jpg


All videos will be placed in a folder corresponding to each week.
<video src="../../assignments/week-02/video-02/basicbench.mp4" width="320" height="240" type="video/mp4"></video>

Another optional atributes:
controls width=100% loop muted autoplay


Three layouts for diferent content types:
docs content/docs Structured information
blog content/assigments and content/FinalDiary for publish the work done each week. With listing and detailed article views
default All other directories single-page article view without sidebar

Inline Code

python style
.content code:not(.code-block code) {
  color: #c97c2e;
 # `One line 'code`
 #```  multiples lines of code ```

Chroma Style Gallery


To add custom CSS I need to create a file assets/custom.css

table {
    background-color: transparent; /* transparent background */
    border-collapse: collapse;
    width: 100%;

th, td {
    border: 3px solid #ddd;
    padding: 8px;

th {
    background-color: #607c98af; /*  #607c98af my personal blue for headers */


Top right menu under is define under the menu.main section in the config file: hugo.yaml


I must create a file called i18n/en.yaml

copyright: "© [Pepe Vázquez Fab Academy 2025]( 
- Creative Commons Atribution Non Comercial 
- Powered by [Hextra]("


I have placed icon files under the static folder to override the default favicons from the theme. Favicon created with from png file.


Markdown color text

<span style="color:#00FF00">*more</span>\
<span style="color:#FF0000">remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main\

remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main



Useful information that users should know, even when skimming content.


Helpful advice for doing things better or more easily.


Key information users need to know to achieve their goal.


Urgent info that needs immediate user attention to avoid problems.


Advises about risks or negative outcomes of certain actions.

Alerts Markdown
> [!NOTE]
> Useful information that users should know, even when skimming content.
> [!TIP]
> Helpful advice for doing things better or more easily.
> Key information users need to know to achieve their goal.
> Urgent info that needs immediate user attention to avoid problems.
> Advises about risks or negative outcomes of certain actions.
> Text for Callouts.

Callout Shortcode

options: Default, Info, Warning, Error. more info…