
About me.

Hi, I am Pablo and I am a researcher and professor in engineering of timber structures (construct buildings and infrstructure with wood) at the High School of Architecture of the University of A Coruña (Northwestern Spain, Southern Europe). Check out my research profile here (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=agQOpP0AAAAJ&hl=es&oi=ao)

I am working at this “strange field” of timber construction because I have the conviction that we need to construct more with timber to tackle climatic change (I believe constructing with timber imples less carbon footprint in construction and more valorization of forests). However, there is a small problem, timber as raw material is way more expensive than cement or mineral aggregates. Fortunately, timber has quite a nice advantage: it is very lightweight and easy to robotize. Therefore, I am here!

I want to learn about applying digital fabrication and robotics in construction, especially in timber construction. Also, I want to learn about electronics and integration of monitoring solutions for my lab tests when investigating about materials and structures at the lab. As a scientist and professor, I believe I just need what Fab Academy gives. Of course, I also want to meet nice people with common interests on this incredible field of digital fabrication, so don’t hestitate to being in touch with me.
