The Fab Academy
2024 Schedule

Jan 8-12: instructor boot camp
Jan 15-19: student boot camp
Jan 24: principles and practices, presentations, introductions (video), project management (video, review)
Jan 29 recitation: version control (video)
Jan 31: computer-aided design (video, review)
Feb 07: computer-controlled cutting (video, review)
Feb 12 recitation: AI (video)
Feb 14: electronics production (video, review)
Feb 21: 3D scanning and printing (video, review)
Feb 26 recitation: programming and debugging (video)
Feb 28: embedded programming (video, review)
Mar 06: computer-controlled machining (video, review)
Mar 11 recitation: sustainable materials (video)
Mar 13: electronics design (video, review)
Mar 20: output devices (video, review)
Mar 25 recitation: machine building (video)
Mar 27: mechanical design, machine design (video, review)
Apr 03: break, midterm review
Apr 10: input devices (video, review)
Apr 15 recitation: fab ecosystem (video)
Apr 17: molding and casting (video, review)
Apr 24: networking and communications (video, review)
Apr 29 recitation: education (video)
May 01: interface and application programming (video, review)
May 08: wildcard week (video, review)
May 13 recitation: Fab All-In (video)
May 15: system integration (video, review)
May 22: applications and implications, project development (video, review)
May 27 recitation: start-ups (video)
May 29: invention, intellectual property, and income (video)
Jun 05-: project presentations (5, 7, 10, 12)
Aug 04-11: FAB24

Global lectures happen on Wednesdays at 9:00 on the US East Coast (ranging from 6:00 on the West Coast to 23:00 in Japan). Recitations happen on Mondays at the same hour, and global lab sections and regional reviews are scheduled throughout the week.