Week 17

applications and implications and project development

You can find my project proposal on this weeks topic within the final project page here

However the following questions have been updated while working on the final project but below you can find where I was at the point of time (during this week).

what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?


  • moving mechanism
  • established a reliable wireless connection
  • making the pillow
  • PCB for nightlight
  • PCB for pillow
  • acrylic petals
  • battery management system


  • integration of the nightlight
  • integration of the pillow electronics
  • coding the sensor data to be an output and activate the neopixels and the steppermotor

what’s working?

  • the pillow sensors are sending data
  • the moving mechanism is turning by hand
  • the acrylics are making light patterns

what’s not?

  • the timing belt for the stepper motor is skipping steps and needs to be attach to the base
  • the neopixels are not working in combination with the rest of the code jet but do work separately

what questions need to be resolved?

  • How to make a stepper motor move slow and silent
  • How to design a stable double step response sensor
  • How to