Week 16

Applications and Implications

Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered.

Your project should incorporate:

2D and 3D design Additive and subtractive fabrication processes Electronics design and production Embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming System integration and packaging. Where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project. Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable.

See Final Project Requirements for a complete list of requirements you must fulfil.

Notes on Neil’s lecture

System intergration, how all the component come together. Making things look nice changes how you interact with it. Beautiful and useful

conceptual proliminary detailed design

System needs simplicity Visibility and feedback Natural mappings controlls near where you expect them to be

using symbols that make sense symbols a uses speaking

Jan made a nice resitation here

DFM design for manufacturing

  • standard components
  • flexures, fastners, adhesives

Liminate the nead of carefull allignment Minimizing parts

Usable and producable

BOM KicaD HAS A PLUGIN Assembly instructions Document how to use it

HOWTOONS cartonic instructions

Pacaging How will the electronics essambled design were the wires go allign the mechanisms, for example with slots to have the right belt tention

Testing Quality assurance defect detections QC Quality control Fuzzing

Designinng the wirering of the rouning.

Power transistors, you can blow them out

The most common way is, a motor act like a coil, if current flows though there is a magnetic fields, it can tuirn into a reverse current and blow out the motor. add a diode to protect it.

Voltage regulaotr and input outpout if you connect the supply the wrong orientation you kill the regulator, use a polarised connector.

use vinylcutted tape to shield sensative ellectronics to reduce the noise.

Power can fail

test howmuch current you need from everything.

Power drop, wierd behaviuor can be the battery of the powersupply.

If wires get longer the resistors go’s up and the inductance goes up.

Bypass capacitors because the wire has lots of conductance

All the grounds have to by tighten to one spot Fot high currenc connect them to one point! not via other wires

check for buffer overflow

here samples of system intergration

right to repaire and recycle take back products at the end of their lifetime