Final Project
Sound credits, track golden hour from Podington Bear
Short summary of the project
Dream light consist of a kinetic night light controlled by a soft pillow with pressure sensors. The pillow is working as an input device and sends data to the night light. The data is transformed into a motor speed and the brightness off the light making the dreamy light patterns on the walls and ceiling respond. You can squeeze it or lay your head on it. The project is developed to help you fall asleep and to clear your mind. The nightlight is made of a 3D printed base, metal parts and a stepper motor. The light bending acrylic shapes are made with a laser cutter. The PCB’s for the nightlight and pillow are made with a CNC machine. For the wireless connection between the two devices ESP-NOW is used together with two Xiao ESP32-C3 microcontrollers.
Final Project Proposal
What will it do?
For the final project I want to reuse the idea of an artwork I made before and turn it in to an interactive product. The artwork is a light sculpture that makes light patterns in the surrounding. I made a few years ago.
The idea
I think we all have experienced that moment that you want to go to sleep and lot of thoughts pop up in your head. I want to make a nightlight that can help you unplug. That gives u a nice warm and cozy feeling and is calming and soothing. I want it to react on the input of the user. And I want the user to be able to use the nightlight when laying in bed. So right now I’m thinking of using a touching input (soft input) like a pillow to squeeze and pet. The nightlight will shine a light pattern on the ceiling, that will move and change depending on the input from the pillow. I would like it to be a product that can be used by everyone who would like to unplug and slow down thoughts before going to sleep. It could be children, elderly and of course myself!
Who’s done what beforehand?
During Neils first class we saw some project presentations and I really like the final project from Mickaël Bouhier meditation pebble. This is a breathing exercise tool that guides you with light he works with neopixels which I like. I looked op several projects from previous FabAcademy students by searching for Light. I found the shy light project of a previous Waag FabAcademy student Rutger Oomkes. I like the playfulness and the interaction form this project. I read in his documentations about using servo’s for moving the light. What will be a challenge is that when working with servo’s it tends to give a shocking motion. For the project I have in mind I think it’s important to try to get a smooth motion.
I’ve found inspiration from Anthony Howe, who makes these mesmerizing sculptures that turn in the wind. I want to incorporate a similar mechanical movement into my final project nightlight. However I have no clue how the mechanisms are made. I found a youtube channel called Geo3Dprint and he does a lot with printing moving structures inspired by origami and he has made Anthony Howe inspired kinetic works he 3D prints. I found this video and I want to try to design and make something similar to this it’s using beveled gears to make the movement, I tried this in the beginning to but I switched to using universal coupler instead.
For the input pillow: I’ve seen knitting input touch sensors in the project kunststof that Michelle made which is really interesting for this project to investigate because she also uses (textile)input sensor to control steppermotors wireless. So I will look into her documentation.
At Waag there are students that follow the fabricademy course and I think I can get more inspiration for the pillow looking in to their research. I would like to experiment with different techniques of making the sensors. I did this and you can find my experiments on the final project process page here
Existing things
I found this design lamp called ripple from the POETIC LAB they made a glass bulb with ripples to create moving light structures that resemble light reflecting on water. The video looks really pretty. However this light is not using an input like a pillow this is what I would like to add to make it interactive. Also it not a make movement product, it’s a designer product and an expensive light. And I would also add a kinetic aspect to the light making it less a product and more a sculpture. But the idea of this lamp is very similar to what I have in mind.
Picture: POETIC LAB , Ripple lamp
On the other hand of the spectrum I found these very cheap disco and galaxy lights that work similar to my idea with the the light and a transparent object that reflect the light on the ceiling. But this is not the type of look, patterns and light I want for my project. I want to make a more artistic project and again use the input of the pillow to it will become interactive
Project breakdown
Underneath you can find the system diagram and the processes and materials that will be used to make the dream light final project.
process | technique | object |
2D design in Coreldraw | lasercutter | Acrylic leafs for the light bending object in Coreldraw |
2D design in Coreldraw | lasercutter | PET-G for the lid of the nightlight base |
3D design in Fusion360 | FDM printing | PLA base for the nightlight |
3D design in Fusion360 | FDM printing | PLA bearing holders for the nightlight |
3D design in Fusion360 | FDM printing | PLA case for the electronics of the pillow |
Electronics design in KiCAD | Lunyee CNC | PCB for the pillow with two step response sensors |
Electronics design in KiCAD | Lunyee CNC | PCB for the nightlight with neopixels and steppermotor |
Interfacing and programming | Arduino IDE | sensordata input to outputs for motor speed and neopixels lights |
Networking and Communication | ESPNOW | wireless connection for sensor data |
System integration and packaging | Lithium battery | wireless connection for sensor data |
System integration and packaging | Sewing machine | making the pillow and the sensors |
System integration and packaging | Lath | part for driving the universal couplers |
making vs buying
What parts and systems will be made?
- input pillow
- kinetic nightlight base
- holder for steppermotor
- PCB for neopixels
- PCB for stepper motor
- PCB for step response sensor
What parts will you buy?
- battery charger module
- universal couplers
- 2 pulleys to drive the stepper motor
- stepper motor
- zipper
Below you can find a detailed BOM: (Bill of material) to answer the following questions about the final project:
- What materials and components will be used?
- Where will come from?
- How much will they cost?
Electronic components PCB nightlight:
- €0,25 Capacitor 100uF
- €0,23 JST Conn_ P4,2.54mm
- €0,86 Conn_01x06, PinSocket_1x06_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD
- €0,40 2 x Conn_01x08, PinSocket_1x08_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT
- €1,30 Barrel_Jack_Switch_Pin3Ring
- €4,60 XIAO-ESP32C3
- €0,40 L7805ACP Voltage regulator
total: €10,24
Electronic components for the neopixels PCB:
- €9,43 5 x neopixels ADA2758 RGBW
- €0,50 5 x 1uF capacitor 1206
total: €10
Electronic components for the step response PCB:
- €4,60 XIAO-ESP32C3
- €0,10 4 x SDM resistors 1 mOhm, size 1206
total: €4,70
subtotal: €25
Other electronic components
€10 NEMA 17 stepper motor (I took it from an old broken Ultimaker +)
€2,20 StepStick drv8825
€10, 12V 3A or more power supply, I could use an old one from an previous project at the HAN but I looked it up and around 10 euro’s you should be fine.
€1,30 FR1 coper
total : €31
- €0, fabric for the pillow I used a broken pants to make it.
- €0, pillow studding, I used the stuffing of an old pillow
- €3 20 x 20 mm coper fabric for the sensors
- €2,5, 1 meter of vliesofix (bought in sewing supply’s store)
- €0 zipper (I used one I have laying around, I tempt to cut them out of broken clothes or pillows)
- €1 little bit of low temperature soldering tin.
total: €6,50
3D Printing
total €11
- €5 3 mm diameter, precision shaft 1 meter
- €0,50 5mm diameter precision shaft 10 cm lenght
- €6 10 x bearings 3 x 8 x 4 mm
- €1,50 Timing belt GT2 6mm (I reused an older Ultimaker S5 timing belt)
- €5 extra costs for small stuff like nuts and bolt, glue, solderflux, tin and tape
total €18
sub total materials: €68,5
Total costs final project: €103,50 However I spend much less because I could reuse items like the stepper motor, timing belt and power supply from stuff that was laying around the Fablab. Also the electronics were bought in bulks instead of the prices per item how I listed it here. And I did not put effort in trying the cheapest out there for all the things I didn’t have to buy.
Learning process
While working on the final project I formulated the following questions I need to answer to be able to finish this project.
How to make a soft input pillow using step response to actuate the nightlight. From mapping sensor data to programming the outputs for the light and motor.
How to design an anthony howe alike mechanism that reflects light in a pattern.
How to establish a reliable wireless connection
How to design the power supply’s. The pillow with a chargeable battery and the nightlight with one plug for 5V and 12V devices.
How to make the system integration so all the electronics are nicely hidden in the project designed with buttons to activate
So what questions were answered? Looking back on this process I can happily say all these questions have got answers. The one better that the other one, but I worked on all of them. And while typing this I can say I’m proud of this because half a year ago specially the electronic related questing I would have not known where to start.
How will it be evaluated?
I decides my project will be evaluated based on the questions that needs to be answered. If I can answer these questions during the development of this final project by demonstrating how I did it It can be evaluated successfully. On the final project process page you can read in details about all the things I tried the design process, machines, photo’s and so on of the making process. You will also find the design files there to make the project yourself. Below I will make an attempt to sum-up the answers of my questions.
- How to make a soft input pillow using step response to actuate the nightlight. From mapping sensor data to programming the outputs for the light and motor.
- Sewing the pillow was not new for me but working with coper fabric, incorporating electronics and making touch sensors was. I tried out many different ways of making my own sensors with pressure and capacitive techniques based on work of others as inspiration. In the process I wanted to make a sliding and squeezing sensor in one and lost my way a bit there. I run into lost of troubles with interference when going from 1 to 2 sensors. Shielding the sensors and measuring the distance between both fixed the interference problems and made it an squeezing pillow. The sensors now don’t respond to the capacitive load when you bring your hand close to it. However the shielded squeeze sensor is making it much more reliable.
- How to design an Anthony Howe alike mechanism that reflects light in a pattern.
I started this process looking into 3D printing the gears to make the mechanism. During output devices week I wanted to make something I could start testing with right away with the stepper motor. The universal couplers where the answer to make a quick test set-up. I’m glad I did this because it gave me time to fix all other problems with the degrees of freedom stability and torc what would have come anyway. I kept working on the size, the shafts to drive the belt and the acrylic shapes. The challenge was to make everything fit and to make it turn smooth. While working on the kinetic mechanism I learned to work on the lathe.
In the spirit of making instead of buying I think it still would be really cool to experiment with gears or with flexures for the corners so the mechanism can turn. But time management kept me from going into this.
- How to establish a reliable wireless connection
- This question got me a bit worried when I started working on it during networking and communication week. I couldn’t make much sense of the BLE connection and needed lots of help. During the interfaces week I finally got more grip on the topic and with help I made a reliable connection. Two people informed my about ESP-NOW and since I’m working with two ESP’s I wanted to give it a try. With the knowledge I gained about sending data types and the more readable sample code I was able to make a connection for both the sensors myself.
- How to design the power supply’s. The pillow with a chargeable battery and the nightlight with one plug for 5V and 12V devices.
After designing my first PCB during designing electronics I start by looking into all the electronics I need for my project. I first tried working with the stepper driver with a breadboard but this was a nightmare. Working with the stepper driver was a challenge for me all through the week I started working with it till the last week. But I learned a lot from it. Debugging is going faster, I’m more aware of problems. I hade code not working (library’s interfering) broken motors, drivers and power supply, traces that cracked and made a fair amount of mistakes with wiring in KiCAD like the 3V to 3V mistake or missing a diode which made me over power the circuit once. Powering it from the 12V power supply and the 5V USB, resulting in a dead driver again. So yes, learned a lot and i’m happy looking back to it right now that I got the final project to work with the mapped speeds and micro stepping!
That said, the stepper motor and the mechanism attached to it could still be more silent and smooth. A TMC stepper driver could fix one of these problems, but after the A4988 I stuck with the DRV8825 driver for now. For making it move more smooth I should look into something else than the universal couplers.
- How to make the system integration so all the electronics are nicely hidden in the project designed with buttons to activate.
- This part actually when smooth. I only printed the base of the nightlight once, my tolerances were perfect. I hade some things I needed to fix cause these things developed while the project developed after printing. Like drilling holes for mounting the stepper or melting an insert. But I did not have to print it a second time and the electronics are nicely embedded. The transparent top makes it able to have a loot at all the self made PCB’s :D. I did put a lot of time in looking for a way to intergrade the electronics of the pillow and I really like the round shape on the side that I choose. I also learned about creating a wireless device that’s battery powered.
What questions remain? Looking back the most important questions that remain would be:
- How to make a stepper motor move slow and silent
- How to design a stable double step response sensor, since it’s still not perfectly mapping the values to the outputs
Managing Process
Spiral development
Must haves
- pillow with 2 touch sensors for dimming the light and the speed of the motor
- Input pillow and light object communicate wireless
- 3D printed base for the kinetic nightlight construction
- kinetic nightlight construction made of bearings, shafts, universal joins and pulleys
- Stepper motor for the movement, micro stepping for smooth movement
- acrylic lasercut design for the light bending pattern
- Rechargeable battery with charging module
Could haves
- Nice wooden milled base more compact design
- use of home made beveled gears ore flexures for the kinetic turning mechanism
- Different programmed movement patterns
- Silent moving motor
Time management
week schedule | final project |
computer-aided design | designing the pillow and the body of the nightlight |
computer-controlled cutting | cutting acrylics and testing a light pattern, making a screenprint sticker for the pillow |
electronics production | working on a touch sensor |
3D scanning and printing | 3D scanning possible lens shapes |
embedded programming | look into led’s and motors, |
computer-controlled machining | working on a touch sensor, getting familiar with the ESP32 |
electronics design | design a board with a NEO pixel and one to test different kind of motors |
output devices | working on the motor and LED’s and the kinetic movement |
mechanical design, machine design | — |
break, midterm review | working on documentation for final project page |
input devices | working on the touch sensor input pillow |
molding and casting | mould and cast the lenses to go on top of the nightlight both for the kinetic movement as for the first spiral design |
networking and communications | figure out how to communicate between the two devices |
interface and application programming | work on the PCB design for the final project |
wildcard week | mill the outer wooden shape |
applications and implications, project development | work on the programming and putting everything together |
System integration | work on the programming and putting everything together |
invention, intellectual property, and income | finish final project preparing the presentation |
project presentations | — |
Detailed schedule upcoming two weeks | task | — |
22 may | wednesday | documenting |
23 may | thursday | milling new PCB, soldering battery charing manager |
24 may | friday | stepper motor working |
25 may | saturday | designing base for nightlight and 3D print it |
26 may | sunday | printing case for pillow, think about LED design |
27 may | monday | coding |
28 may | tuesday | only evening, coding and documenting |
29 may | wednesday | documenting |
30 may | thursday | coding assembling and testing |
31 may | friday | debugging electronics only evening, |
1 june | saturday | debugging coding assembling testing |
2 june | sunday | debugging coding assembling testing starting on the sheet |
3 june | monday | making the video and sheet making the lid and coding |
4 june | tuesday | only evening documenting |
5 june | wednesday | presentation |
what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain? What worked? What didn’t? Completed:
- moving mechanism driven by a stepper motor
- established a reliable wireless connection
- making the pillow with two step response sensors
- PCB for nightlight
- PCB for pillow
- integration of the nightlight
- finish integration of the pillow electronics
- coding the sensor data to be an output
Remain wishes:
- Creating a silent stepper motor and driver
- Creating a more smooth fading effect for the neopixels