Week 02

Computer Aided Design

Brief Overview

This week's assignment focuses on documenting my learning in 2D and 3D computer-aided design, including raster and vector 2D design elements. Additionally, I discuss the importance of image resizing and video editing applications in project documentation. I highlight the significance of 3D design for creative problem-solving in design work, particularly in the context of user experience (UX) design. I have used and tried different 2d and 3D design software.

Computer Aided Design

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) refers to the use of computer technology and software to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, and optimization of designs. CAD systems are widely utilized in various industries, including architecture, engineering, product design, and manufacturing. These tools provide designers and engineers with a digital platform to efficiently and accurately create 2D and 3D models, simulate real-world conditions, and streamline the design process.

CAD has revolutionized the traditional design approach by offering precise and versatile tools for creating detailed and intricate models. It enhances collaboration among design teams, accelerates prototyping, and reduces errors, ultimately leading to more efficient and cost-effective product development. The ability to visualize and iterate designs digitally has significantly contributed to innovation across diverse fields.

2D Design

2D Design,refers to the creation of visual elements and compositions within two dimensions, typically on a flat surface. It is a fundamental aspect of graphic design, digital art, and various visual communication disciplines.

Key Elements of 2D Design:

Source: medium.com
  • Lines The basic building blocks for creating shapes and forms.

  • Shapes Two-dimensional enclosed areas defined by lines.

  • Colour The use of hues, saturation, and brightness to evoke emotions and convey information.

  • Values The range of lightness to darkness in an image, providing contrast and depth.

  • Texture The visual or tactile appearance of surfaces within the design.

Raster vs. Vector 2D Design:

  • Raster Graphic Design: Relies on pixels, suitable for detailed images and photographs but may lose quality when resized.

  • Vector Graphic Design: Uses mathematical paths and points, allowing for scalability without loss of quality, ideal for logos and illustrations.

Applications of 2D Design:

  • Graphic Design: Creating visual content for branding, advertising, and digital media.
  • Web Design: Crafting the visual layout and elements of websites.
  • Print Design: Designing materials for print, such as brochures, posters, and business cards.
  • Digital Art: Illustrations, animations, and concept art in the digital realm.

Importance in Various Industries:

  • Marketing and Advertising: Captivating visuals are crucial for effective communication and brand recognition.
  • Entertainment: Used in animation, game design, and film for storytelling and visual appeal.
  • Education: Visual aids and graphics enhance learning materials and presentations.

Digital Tools for 2D Design I have used:

Adobe Photo Shop

  • Adobe Photoshop is a powerful and widely used raster graphics editing software developed by Adobe Inc. It has become the industry standard for digital image manipulation, photo editing, and graphic design.

  • Image Editing

    Photoshop provides a comprehensive set of tools for retouching, color correction, and enhancement of digital images. Users can adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, and apply various filters.

    Layer-Based Editing

    The use of layers allows for non-destructive editing, enabling users to work on different elements of an image independently. This facilitates complex compositions and adjustments.

    Selection Tools

    Photoshop offers a variety of selection tools, such as the marquee, lasso, and magic wand, allowing users to isolate and manipulate specific areas of an image.

    CorelDRAW: A vector graphic design software

    Inkscape : A free and open-source vector graphics editor

    Creating a 2D Design on Corel Draw

    In the last assignment on 2D Design I have used Corel Draw and Inkskape to create 2D design file for cutting.
    In Corel Draw I have Created my own design with marking lines and create a Flower shape by using various comands.

    3D Design

    3D Design involves creating and manipulating three-dimensional objects and environments. It plays a crucial role in industries such as gaming, animation, architecture, and product design.

    Key Elements of 3D Design:

    • Shapes and Forms: Building blocks for creating 3D objects.

    • Lighting: Essential for creating shadows, highlights, and depth in 3D scenes.

    • Texture Mapping: Applying surface textures to 3D objects for realism.

    • Rendering: The process of generating the final image from a 3D model.

    • Animation: Bringing 3D objects to life through motion.

    Applications of 3D Design:

    • Gaming: Creating realistic environments, characters, and animations.
    • Animation: Bringing characters and scenes to life in movies and TV shows.
    • Architecture: Designing and visualizing buildings and spaces.
    • Product Design: Prototyping and visualizing products before manufacturing.

    3D Design Software:

    • Blender:An open-source 3D creation suite suitable for modeling, animation, and more.

    • SolidWorks: A 3D CAD software widely used in engineering and product design. It supports parametric design, assembly design, and simulation analysis.

    • Fusion 360: A cloud-based 3D CAD, CAM, and CAE software by Autodesk. Fusion 360 offers parametric design, collaborative design with cloud-based features, and integrated manufacturing capabilities.

    • Google SketchUp: A user-friendly 3D modeling software suitable for architectural and interior design, as well as for creating simple 3D models for various purposes.

    • There are many more design software

    3D Design Software I have used:

    Fusion 360

    • Fusion 360 is a cloud-based 3D CAD, CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing), and CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) software developed by Autodesk.

    • Parametric Design

      Fusion 360 supports parametric modeling, allowing users to create designs with dynamic and editable parameters.

      Collaborative Design

      With cloud-based collaboration features, Fusion 360 enables multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously.

      Integrated Manufacturing

      Fusion 360 integrates CAD and CAM functionalities, providing a seamless transition from design to manufacturing.

      Desigining a part in Fusion 360

      I have choose to design my Final project part which I want to 3D print and test on my Scarecrow model

        Step:1 Open Fusion 360 and create new sketch

      Step:2 Convert sketch to 3D entity, by selecting the sketch

      Step:3 Create the similar 3D part using revolve or extrude command

      Step:4 I have created a new plane to change the working axis.

      Step:5 Created a slot from the top view.

      Step:6 I have created a new plane to change the working axis.

      Step:7 Now adding finishing touch to the Part, I you fillet

      Step:8 Rendering and giving appearances to object for better visualization.

      Step:9 Final Part Ready

      Step:10 Drawing Sheet


      • SolidWorks is a 3D CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software widely used in engineering and product design.

      • Parametric Design

        SolidWorks enables parametric design, allowing users to create models with defined parameters and easily make modifications.

        Assembly Design

        The software facilitates the creation of complex assemblies, with components that can be easily assembled and disassembled.

        Simulation and Analysis

        SolidWorks provides tools for simulating and analyzing the behavior of designs under various conditions, ensuring structural integrity.

    Google SketchUp

    • Google SketchUp is a user-friendly 3D modeling software developed by Trimble Inc. It is widely used for architectural design, interior design, and creating simple 3D models for various applications.

    • Intuitive Modeling

      SketchUp provides an intuitive modeling environment, allowing users to easily create and manipulate 3D shapes and structures.

      User-Friendly Collaboration

      While not inherently cloud-based like Fusion 360, SketchUp allows collaborative design through file sharing, making it accessible for team projects.


      Google SketchUp is commonly used in architecture, interior design, urban planning, and for creating 3D models in applications such as Google Earth.

    Reference Files