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Molding and casting

 group assignment:
  •       review the safety data sheets for each of your molding and casting materials,
  •          then make and compare test casts with each of them
  •       compare printing vs machining molds
   individual assignment:
  •       design a mold around the process you'll be using,
  •          produce it with a smooth surface finish,
  •          and use it to cast parts
  •       extra credit: use more then two mold parts

In the beginning I wanted to make a 20 sided dice. (a D20). I followed this tutorial I found online and used an old english font i found on dafont

My result:
It turned out cool looking but the topology didnt turn out great for the numbers and the design felt too complicated to mold so instead of risking ruining it I decided to switch it. Looks cool tho!

I Dice

wonky dice

So instead of using the dice I decided to try to use the puffin scan from the scanning week.

For this week I followed this great tutorial I found online

The fun began when I put in my STL file, it was far too complicated for Fusion and the software froze a couple of times when I tried to convert the stl into a mesh. I followed this tutorial for that part
Eventually it worked. I simplified it a bit through the modify menu and followed Kevin´s tutorial on the mold. The biggest major difference is that he used the cut command when combining the object with the box. I did the opposite and simply combined them.

Next I  created another sketch and extruded it. I then used the draft feature and put it on a 10 degree angle. I combined the objects and then exported it as an stl to print. I used the prusa 3d printer for this.
I began by making a miniature version of the mold.
This was mostly to test the silicone. We were unsure of whether it was still usable.

Here is the first test! I printed it through the Prusa 3d printer.

Small puffin



We put it into an oven at 50 degrees celcius for 2 hours so it would dry faster (it did)
heating drying
Taking out the

soap Dish soap
Then I used this plaster mix to pour into the mold.

making the
va pouring


 Fail :((
The path I made for the material was way too thin and barely anything seeped through.

The second test: a different method

secnd test
molding fun

b molding setting
Result:  plastic melted and it didnt turn out great haha
b plastic mold
b cutting

THIRD TRY! Big milling machine

First off we started with the 3D roughing


After milling :3

the silicone mix




RESUULTFinal result


Fusion 360
