(kicad_sch (version 20231120) (generator "eeschema") (generator_version "8.0") (uuid "b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98") (paper "A4") (lib_symbols (symbol "Device:C" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 0.254) ) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "C" (at 0.635 2.54 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left) ) ) (property "Value" "C" (at 0.635 -2.54 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0.9652 -3.81 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "Unpolarized capacitor" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_keywords" "cap capacitor" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "C_*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (symbol "C_0_1" (polyline (pts (xy -2.032 -0.762) (xy 2.032 -0.762) ) (stroke (width 0.508) (type default) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -2.032 0.762) (xy 2.032 0.762) ) (stroke (width 0.508) (type default) ) (fill (type none) ) ) ) (symbol "C_1_1" (pin passive line (at 0 3.81 270) (length 2.794) (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive line (at 0 -3.81 90) (length 2.794) (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) ) ) (symbol "Device:LED" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 1.016) hide) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "D" (at 0 2.54 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (property "Value" "LED" (at 0 -2.54 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "Light emitting diode" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_keywords" "LED diode" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "LED* LED_SMD:* LED_THT:*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (symbol "LED_0_1" (polyline (pts (xy -1.27 -1.27) (xy -1.27 1.27) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -1.27 0) (xy 1.27 0) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 1.27 -1.27) (xy 1.27 1.27) (xy -1.27 0) (xy 1.27 -1.27) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -3.048 -0.762) (xy -4.572 -2.286) (xy -3.81 -2.286) (xy -4.572 -2.286) (xy -4.572 -1.524) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -1.778 -0.762) (xy -3.302 -2.286) (xy -2.54 -2.286) (xy -3.302 -2.286) (xy -3.302 -1.524) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (fill (type none) ) ) ) (symbol "LED_1_1" (pin passive line (at -3.81 0 0) (length 2.54) (name "K" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive line (at 3.81 0 180) (length 2.54) (name "A" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) ) ) (symbol "Device:R" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 0) ) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "R" (at 2.032 0 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (property "Value" "R" (at 0 0 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at -1.778 0 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "Resistor" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_keywords" "R res resistor" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "R_*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (symbol "R_0_1" (rectangle (start -1.016 -2.54) (end 1.016 2.54) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) ) (fill (type none) ) ) ) (symbol "R_1_1" (pin passive line (at 0 3.81 270) (length 1.27) (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive line (at 0 -3.81 90) (length 1.27) (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) ) ) (symbol "NodeNodebyhand-eagle-import:CAP_UNPOLARIZEDFAB" (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "C" (at -3.81 2.54 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Value" "" (at -3.81 -3.81 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Footprint" "NodeNodebyhand:C1206FAB" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_locked" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (symbol "CAP_UNPOLARIZEDFAB_1_0" (polyline (pts (xy -2.54 0) (xy -1.778 0) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -1.778 0) (xy -1.778 -1.524) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -1.778 1.524) (xy -1.778 0) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -0.762 0) (xy -0.762 -1.524) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -0.762 0) (xy 0 0) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -0.762 1.524) (xy -0.762 0) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (pin passive line (at -5.08 0 0) (length 2.54) (name "1" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "1" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) ) (pin passive line (at 2.54 0 180) (length 2.54) (name "2" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "2" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) (symbol "NodeNodebyhand-eagle-import:CONN_02X2-PINHEAD-SMD" (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "" (at -8.89 5.715 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Value" "" (at -8.89 -5.08 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Footprint" "NodeNodebyhand:2X02SMD" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_locked" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (symbol "CONN_02X2-PINHEAD-SMD_1_0" (polyline (pts (xy -8.89 -2.54) (xy 6.35 -2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -8.89 5.08) (xy -8.89 -2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 6.35 -2.54) (xy 6.35 5.08) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 6.35 5.08) (xy -8.89 5.08) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (pin passive inverted (at -5.08 2.54 0) (length 2.54) (name "1" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive inverted (at 2.54 2.54 180) (length 2.54) (name "2" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive inverted (at -5.08 0 0) (length 2.54) (name "3" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive inverted (at 2.54 0 180) (length 2.54) (name "4" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) ) ) (symbol "NodeNodebyhand-eagle-import:LEDFAB1206" (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "" (at 3.556 -2.032 90) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Value" "" (at 5.715 -2.032 90) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Footprint" "NodeNodebyhand:LED1206FAB" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "LED" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_locked" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (symbol "LEDFAB1206_1_0" (polyline (pts (xy -2.032 1.778) (xy -3.429 0.381) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -1.905 0.635) (xy -3.302 -0.762) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 0 0) (xy -1.27 0) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 0 0) (xy -1.27 2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 0 2.54) (xy -1.27 2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 0 2.54) (xy 0 0) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 1.27 0) (xy 0 0) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 1.27 2.54) (xy 0 0) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 1.27 2.54) (xy 0 2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -3.429 0.381) (xy -3.048 1.27) (xy -2.54 0.762) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (fill (type outline) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -3.302 -0.762) (xy -2.921 0.127) (xy -2.413 -0.381) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (fill (type outline) ) ) (pin passive line (at 0 5.08 270) (length 2.54) (name "A" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "1" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) ) (pin passive line (at 0 -2.54 90) (length 2.54) (name "C" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "2" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) (symbol "NodeNodebyhand-eagle-import:R1206FAB" (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "R" (at -3.81 1.4986 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Value" "" (at -3.81 -3.302 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Footprint" "NodeNodebyhand:R1206FAB" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "Resistor (US Symbol)\n\nVariants with postfix FAB are widened to allow the routing of internal traces" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_locked" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (symbol "R1206FAB_1_0" (polyline (pts (xy -2.54 0) (xy -2.159 1.016) ) (stroke (width 0.2032) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -2.159 1.016) (xy -1.524 -1.016) ) (stroke (width 0.2032) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -1.524 -1.016) (xy -0.889 1.016) ) (stroke (width 0.2032) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -0.889 1.016) (xy -0.254 -1.016) ) (stroke (width 0.2032) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -0.254 -1.016) (xy 0.381 1.016) ) (stroke (width 0.2032) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 0.381 1.016) (xy 1.016 -1.016) ) (stroke (width 0.2032) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 1.016 -1.016) (xy 1.651 1.016) ) (stroke (width 0.2032) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 1.651 1.016) (xy 2.286 -1.016) ) (stroke (width 0.2032) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 2.286 -1.016) (xy 2.54 0) ) (stroke (width 0.2032) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (pin passive line (at -5.08 0 0) (length 2.54) (name "1" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "1" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) ) (pin passive line (at 5.08 0 180) (length 2.54) (name "2" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "2" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) (symbol "NodeNodebyhand-eagle-import:SPDTSWITCH" (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "" (at -7.62 7.747 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Value" "" (at -7.62 -9.398 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Footprint" "NodeNodebyhand:SPDTSWITCH" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_locked" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (symbol "SPDTSWITCH_1_0" (pin passive inverted (at 0 5.08 180) (length 2.54) (name "1" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive inverted (at 0 0 180) (length 2.54) (name "2" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive inverted (at 0 -5.08 180) (length 2.54) (name "3" (effects (font (size 0 0) ) ) ) (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) ) ) (symbol "NodeNodebyhand-eagle-import:UC_ATTINY45SI" (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "" (at 5.08 -7.62 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Value" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Footprint" "NodeNodebyhand:SOIC8" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_locked" "" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (symbol "UC_ATTINY45SI_1_0" (rectangle (start -51.816 5.969) (end -50.546 7.239) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (fill (type outline) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -53.34 -2.54) (xy -52.07 -2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -53.34 0) (xy -52.07 0) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -53.34 2.54) (xy -52.07 2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -53.34 5.08) (xy -52.07 5.08) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -52.07 -5.08) (xy 34.29 -5.08) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -52.07 -2.54) (xy -52.07 -5.08) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -52.07 0) (xy -52.07 -2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -52.07 2.54) (xy -52.07 0) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -52.07 5.08) (xy -52.07 2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy -52.07 7.493) (xy -52.07 5.08) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 34.29 -5.08) (xy 34.29 -2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 34.29 -2.54) (xy 34.29 0) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 34.29 -2.54) (xy 35.56 -2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 34.29 0) (xy 34.29 2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 34.29 0) (xy 35.56 0) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 34.29 2.54) (xy 34.29 5.08) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 34.29 2.54) (xy 35.56 2.54) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 34.29 5.08) (xy 34.29 7.493) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 34.29 5.08) (xy 35.56 5.08) ) (stroke (width 0.254) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (polyline (pts (xy 34.29 7.493) (xy -52.07 7.493) ) (stroke (width 0.4064) (type solid) ) (fill (type none) ) ) (text "ATtiny412" (at -31.75 -7.62 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at -53.34 5.08 0) (length 0) (name "VCC" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at -53.34 2.54 0) (length 0) (name "PA6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at -53.34 0 0) (length 0) (name "PA7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at -53.34 -2.54 0) (length 0) (name "PA1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 35.56 -2.54 180) (length 0) (name "PA2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 35.56 0 180) (length 0) (name "UPDI" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 35.56 2.54 180) (length 0) (name "PA3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 35.56 5.08 180) (length 0) (name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "8" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) ) ) (symbol "fab:Conn_PinHeader_1x03_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD" (pin_names hide) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "J" (at 0 5.08 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (property "Value" "Conn_PinHeader_1x03_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD" (at 0 -5.08 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:PinHeader_1x03_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "Male connector, single row" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_keywords" "single row male connector" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "*PinHeader*1x03*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (symbol "Conn_PinHeader_1x03_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD_1_1" (rectangle (start -1.27 -1.905) (end 1.27 -3.175) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) ) (fill (type outline) ) ) (rectangle (start -1.27 0.635) (end 1.27 -0.635) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) ) (fill (type outline) ) ) (rectangle (start -1.27 3.175) (end 1.27 1.905) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) ) (fill (type outline) ) ) (pin passive line (at 5.08 2.54 180) (length 3.81) (name "Pin_1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive line (at 5.08 0 180) (length 3.81) (name "Pin_2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive line (at 5.08 -2.54 180) (length 3.81) (name "Pin_3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) ) ) (symbol "fab:Conn_PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD" (pin_names hide) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "J" (at 0 3.81 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (property "Value" "Conn_PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD" (at 0 -3.81 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "https://cdn.amphenol-icc.com/media/wysiwyg/files/drawing/95278.pdf" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "Connector Header Surface Mount 4 position 0.100\" (2.54mm)" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_keywords" "connector GRPB022VWQS-RC" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "*PinHeader*2x02*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (symbol "Conn_PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD_1_1" (rectangle (start -3.81 2.54) (end 3.81 -2.54) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) ) (fill (type background) ) ) (pin passive line (at -7.62 1.27 0) (length 3.81) (name "Pin_1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive line (at 7.62 1.27 180) (length 3.81) (name "Pin_2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive line (at -7.62 -1.27 0) (length 3.81) (name "Pin_3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin passive line (at 7.62 -1.27 180) (length 3.81) (name "Pin_4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) ) ) (symbol "fab:Microcontroller_ATtiny412_SSFR" (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "U" (at -12.7 17.78 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left top) ) ) (property "Value" "Microcontroller_ATtiny412_SSFR" (at 2.54 17.78 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left top) ) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (italic yes) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/40001911A.pdf" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "AVR tinyAVRâ„¢ 1 Microcontroller IC 8-Bit 20MHz 4KB (4K x 8) FLASH 8-SOIC" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_keywords" "avr tinyavr 1-series soic 8bit ATTINY412-SSFR" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "*SOIC*8*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (symbol "Microcontroller_ATtiny412_SSFR_0_1" (rectangle (start -12.7 -15.24) (end 12.7 15.24) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) ) (fill (type background) ) ) ) (symbol "Microcontroller_ATtiny412_SSFR_1_1" (pin power_in line (at 0 17.78 270) (length 2.54) (name "VCC" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 -5.08 180) (length 2.54) (name "TXD/PA6/DAC" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 -7.62 180) (length 2.54) (name "RXD/PA7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 5.08 180) (length 2.54) (name "PA1/SDA" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 2.54 180) (length 2.54) (name "PA2/SCL" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 7.62 180) (length 2.54) (name "~{RESET}/UPDI/PA0" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 15.24 0 180) (length 2.54) (name "PA3/SCK" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) (pin power_in line (at 0 -17.78 90) (length 2.54) (name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (number "8" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (wire (pts (xy 223.52 149.86) (xy 231.14 149.86) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "0e7e0783-3df0-4b48-91e0-0adbf84eab3c") ) (wire (pts (xy 97.79 93.98) (xy 104.14 93.98) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (uuid "0f7cdf5f-f017-42d2-85af-a318ebdda0d4") ) (wire (pts (xy 24.13 83.82) (xy 24.13 85.09) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (uuid "19245ff9-6602-4d3e-b03e-985ae19de427") ) (wire (pts (xy 175.26 127) (xy 170.18 127) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "27b3f419-7a3c-433f-8978-0c6380a2cd8e") ) (wire (pts (xy 187.96 114.3) (xy 180.34 114.3) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "417a90e1-aa29-4533-b861-738d1782967f") ) (wire (pts (xy 22.86 83.82) (xy 24.13 83.82) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (uuid "44979da5-6f0e-44d1-b867-4e6a3de3f7b6") ) (wire (pts (xy 175.26 132.08) (xy 170.18 132.08) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "4eb42019-5b6a-4744-b7e7-42c8e6ba3acb") ) (wire (pts (xy 66.675 52.705) (xy 74.295 52.705) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (uuid "52504c7f-904a-4d89-8a71-ce5cb92b68dc") ) (wire (pts (xy 223.52 152.4) (xy 231.14 152.4) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "53901381-9cef-40c9-ad65-7dd1f4c0d270") ) (wire (pts (xy 24.13 85.09) (xy 29.21 85.09) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (uuid "59009e44-be50-407a-b130-cd1cf8f9b572") ) (wire (pts (xy 248.92 93.98) (xy 248.92 88.9) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "5a2ad324-49e1-4371-9ff3-fb9f5ec5d93b") ) (wire (pts (xy 264.16 132.08) (xy 269.24 132.08) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "646b7c29-4308-4f80-a475-4237dc8dc5d3") ) (wire (pts (xy 264.16 134.62) (xy 269.24 134.62) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "664053d0-a808-4b61-a7d6-8c7a870fc7f6") ) (wire (pts (xy 215.9 152.4) (xy 208.28 152.4) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "68d58ec9-8c1f-455d-9704-9ca3536dc5d2") ) (wire (pts (xy 215.9 149.86) (xy 208.28 149.86) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "6fb91292-a217-4eb5-bf51-7f54b98044ef") ) (wire (pts (xy 59.055 52.705) (xy 52.705 52.705) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (uuid "7a4700ea-232e-447f-91ad-f8264522d658") ) (wire (pts (xy 82.55 115.57) (xy 82.55 111.76) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (uuid "8096fa15-cd02-4815-8f24-3522bd109bb1") ) (wire (pts (xy 264.16 127) (xy 269.24 127) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "8137c53b-dc93-414c-83ee-9c41c78f1f80") ) (wire (pts (xy 175.26 134.62) (xy 170.18 134.62) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "86305628-ecaf-488e-b421-1a076ec0a9e2") ) (wire (pts (xy 175.26 129.54) (xy 170.18 129.54) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "90c80fdb-28f8-4134-a1e8-a88b40b559b7") ) (wire (pts (xy 248.92 101.6) (xy 248.92 109.22) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "92057b5e-cf37-4977-b00f-4901f57fbbf5") ) (wire (pts (xy 187.96 104.14) (xy 182.88 104.14) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "98d23efc-353b-4a4d-9597-1bf29f0afd1a") ) (wire (pts (xy 187.96 109.22) (xy 182.88 109.22) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "ad8fc5d5-2ff5-4224-ab69-f7519ec36185") ) (wire (pts (xy 264.16 129.54) (xy 269.24 129.54) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "aeec341b-5602-4e9f-9c52-c3167fd1f379") ) (wire (pts (xy 248.92 78.74) (xy 248.92 76.2) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "e6aad922-87b3-4a10-bc3e-639f8337da7f") ) (wire (pts (xy 213.36 106.68) (xy 203.2 106.68) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "f60cdf62-c826-47cc-9a44-60a392d82fc7") ) (wire (pts (xy 220.98 106.68) (xy 231.14 106.68) ) (stroke (width 0.1524) (type solid) ) (uuid "fb758589-f0ba-48e6-99d0-ede00edef711") ) (wire (pts (xy 35.56 48.26) (xy 35.56 55.88) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (uuid "fd8c0bbd-0a6c-42fe-b53e-9b766c38d55b") ) (wire (pts (xy 35.56 25.4) (xy 35.56 33.02) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) (uuid "fe281c1e-d31a-4b1c-86c6-94a585c7a070") ) (label "GND" (at 269.24 127 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "05204f29-ccb9-4671-886e-1b6f68f1171a") ) (label "TX" (at 97.79 91.44 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "071e3d32-5baa-4d5f-9afc-8d6aebadafef") ) (label "PA7" (at 97.79 101.6 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "08964a81-a8e7-4628-b470-1fa0e57bfdc2") ) (label "VCC" (at 82.55 76.2 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "12039816-d966-495a-891a-649d644a896a") ) (label "RX" (at 97.79 88.9 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "14f57969-aaa8-45b3-8dd6-69d5edce3c3d") ) (label "TX" (at 231.14 152.4 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "209df493-3694-40b7-b2c5-cd6118d9741f") ) (label "UPDI" (at 100.33 31.75 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "244f9e56-706f-493a-b6b8-82e4c8ee3825") ) (label "UPDI" (at 182.88 104.14 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "3629f77f-0506-495e-830b-a3bc9bbe438e") ) (label "TX" (at 44.45 85.09 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "411262ef-cfb2-4f80-a572-16e83d98d78e") ) (label "VCC" (at 180.34 114.3 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "4a1a8419-d15c-4eae-b948-cd426425632a") ) (label "VCC" (at 22.86 83.82 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "601d8dac-d47b-49ba-a7b3-072ddb6c8a82") ) (label "GND" (at 82.55 115.57 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "60a9f268-9ddd-4f6a-b6e3-86aef6309331") ) (label "PA3" (at 248.92 76.2 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "654cd0e4-66ee-459c-a2d3-7af4ad017462") ) (label "TX" (at 269.24 134.62 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "69293774-287f-45d9-b91e-d1bcd22c2ffa") ) (label "GND" (at 248.92 109.22 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "6a205866-8fd8-43ce-b9b8-840124babc34") ) (label "RX" (at 170.18 134.62 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "8dd58eb2-a05c-4508-bb3b-a26760436ee4") ) (label "PA3" (at 35.56 25.4 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "8fd837c0-2998-4959-8038-eb587fd990be") ) (label "GND" (at 100.33 29.21 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "95c1214c-d2a4-4f4f-a3c1-c6d0148762a1") ) (label "PA6" (at 97.79 99.06 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "9dc650e5-aca1-4b05-933c-09f838e38559") ) (label "GND" (at 182.88 109.22 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "a6d8f1fa-4167-4682-bd4a-efdda0d42d2c") ) (label "VCC" (at 203.2 106.68 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "ad6e88f7-36ea-45d1-867f-70a41ea5c685") ) (label "PA7" (at 170.18 132.08 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "b9cbced9-af8c-4bb1-9550-0694487108bc") ) (label "VCC" (at 100.33 26.67 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "bb389005-c2b3-4796-bc5f-919f30334d1f") ) (label "GND" (at 29.21 82.55 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "be0e09ff-eec3-4693-afe0-b6c4edb09ec4") ) (label "PA3" (at 104.14 93.98 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "c99b2a26-177a-4de0-89a4-6a67be1e5518") ) (label "RX" (at 44.45 82.55 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "d4303b8f-5c7b-4b1d-aaac-574f60affa93") ) (label "RX" (at 231.14 149.86 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "d64febba-9d3e-4c4e-ba89-764b03fd9c45") ) (label "VCC" (at 52.705 52.705 180) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify right bottom) ) (uuid "dc68fca4-8d56-4405-a24b-4f5a43eb2a5c") ) (label "UPDI" (at 269.24 132.08 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "deba67b2-fd9b-49c3-a4b0-be773999654a") ) (label "GND" (at 231.14 106.68 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "e22e2fe7-27c2-4e94-b354-203310edcf11") ) (label "PA6" (at 170.18 129.54 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "e33a2dec-1c6f-42fb-801b-04e06d121baa") ) (label "VCC" (at 170.18 127 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "e50c9099-bb5f-4829-b545-fb12d426940a") ) (label "VCC" (at 208.28 152.4 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "f6095fdd-bf71-4c8c-ae53-44a4628295d8") ) (label "PA3" (at 269.24 129.54 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "f6a3b3de-5fa3-4447-89e1-47cf1dd47751") ) (label "GND" (at 74.295 52.705 180) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify right bottom) ) (uuid "f6fd2be5-03e8-4203-8419-a675b369d5f3") ) (label "GND" (at 208.28 149.86 0) (fields_autoplaced yes) (effects (font (size 1.2446 1.2446) ) (justify left bottom) ) (uuid "fe685da1-5912-4d74-9a30-f3a44f9b64d4") ) (symbol (lib_id "Device:LED") (at 35.56 44.45 90) (unit 1) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced yes) (uuid "3bfd4e03-5714-4044-9d4a-617f0b3c8fd2") (property "Reference" "D1" (at 39.37 44.7674 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify right) ) ) (property "Value" "LED" (at 39.37 47.3074 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify right) ) ) (property "Footprint" "" (at 35.56 44.45 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 35.56 44.45 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "Light emitting diode" (at 35.56 44.45 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (pin "2" (uuid "7064a3a3-ef7a-4ac6-ae1c-2d591e3a60ea") ) (pin "1" (uuid "707bf020-61ff-489f-ba31-8028a2e8fa16") ) (instances (project "NodeNodebyhand" (path "/b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98" (reference "D1") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "NodeNodebyhand-eagle-import:SPDTSWITCH") (at 187.96 109.22 180) (unit 1) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (uuid "4932ceed-7e5d-40de-a316-b8da117393c5") (property "Reference" "U$5" (at 195.58 116.967 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Value" "SPDTSWITCH" (at 195.58 99.822 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Footprint" "NodeNodebyhand:SPDTSWITCH" (at 187.96 109.22 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 187.96 109.22 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 187.96 109.22 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (pin "1" (uuid "4e8cce50-ab39-428c-88d4-a0c581c6620f") ) (pin "2" (uuid "1b99e8c3-6d20-4ef6-a8b5-d4e29827796e") ) (pin "3" (uuid "08a8ee21-fc69-4802-af7d-4917a278e4a5") ) (instances (project "NodeNodebyhand" (path "/b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98" (reference "U$5") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "NodeNodebyhand-eagle-import:LEDFAB1206") (at 248.92 99.06 0) (unit 1) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (uuid "4bf8d10e-5757-447f-a1e5-072326ac4324") (property "Reference" "U$3" (at 252.476 101.092 90) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Value" "LEDFAB1206" (at 254.635 101.092 90) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Footprint" "NodeNodebyhand:LED1206FAB" (at 248.92 99.06 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 248.92 99.06 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 248.92 99.06 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (pin "1" (uuid "9d8380e6-e7ea-4f97-a9b5-330d4356789a") ) (pin "2" (uuid "33186057-ef24-4b4f-83c0-3b9af4b41bd9") ) (instances (project "NodeNodebyhand" (path "/b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98" (reference "U$3") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "NodeNodebyhand-eagle-import:UC_ATTINY45SI") (at 228.6 132.08 0) (unit 1) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (uuid "8579fa57-56bc-4ebc-8917-53bb4c94d8c2") (property "Reference" "U$8" (at 233.68 139.7 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Value" "UC_ATTINY45SI" (at 228.6 132.08 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Footprint" "NodeNodebyhand:SOIC8" (at 228.6 132.08 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 228.6 132.08 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 228.6 132.08 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (pin "1" (uuid "d2692396-6fa7-415f-b49b-93a4ce1ede9c") ) (pin "2" (uuid "3c301893-368a-45b8-8030-f3b6f7bef10e") ) (pin "5" (uuid "3bfc1618-68a4-44f6-9faa-5b4e164ceec7") ) (pin "7" (uuid "d1023113-b1cb-4bc7-9a01-4584305ebdae") ) (pin "3" (uuid "2a304e4f-1c6d-490f-bea9-b057799213c8") ) (pin "4" (uuid "ae036531-21af-4ba5-ad21-238734ecf3d6") ) (pin "6" (uuid "48ae6c0d-c438-4ac7-ada3-4c54136aa569") ) (pin "8" (uuid "af5c3101-e3a6-435a-a257-1df94051bdf5") ) (instances (project "NodeNodebyhand" (path "/b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98" (reference "U$8") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "Device:R") (at 35.56 36.83 0) (unit 1) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced yes) (uuid "acdfe6c7-5499-4061-8f64-ee11a2cc1535") (property "Reference" "R1" (at 38.1 35.5599 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left) ) ) (property "Value" "1K" (at 38.1 38.0999 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left) ) ) (property "Footprint" "fab_footprints:R_1206" (at 33.782 36.83 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 35.56 36.83 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "Resistor" (at 35.56 36.83 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (pin "2" (uuid "018523f2-04f4-40b0-b99a-24486cc3eaee") ) (pin "1" (uuid "aea9b913-ad88-4de7-813b-373479fc4f44") ) (instances (project "NodeNodebyhand" (path "/b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98" (reference "R1") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "fab:Microcontroller_ATtiny412_SSFR") (at 82.55 93.98 0) (unit 1) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced yes) (uuid "b15894c1-77eb-4ee5-8a35-7459984b6ef4") (property "Reference" "U1" (at 68.58 92.7099 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify right) ) ) (property "Value" "Microcontroller_ATtiny412_SSFR" (at 68.58 95.2499 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify right) ) ) (property "Footprint" "fab_footprints:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm" (at 82.55 93.98 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (italic yes) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/40001911A.pdf" (at 82.55 93.98 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "AVR tinyAVRâ„¢ 1 Microcontroller IC 8-Bit 20MHz 4KB (4K x 8) FLASH 8-SOIC" (at 82.55 93.98 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (pin "5" (uuid "3a743170-8979-401a-9b22-75de61c52693") ) (pin "7" (uuid "82d885a4-6e4f-49a6-bdf8-f2237f010a33") ) (pin "2" (uuid "e8a4b75f-ba97-4340-8540-25ae45dcddb4") ) (pin "1" (uuid "9ceae4ec-4b38-4ad3-8937-91ef21e8ee61") ) (pin "4" (uuid "abc8756a-4e6a-4329-9ad6-a5b58f0aa98b") ) (pin "8" (uuid "41217c57-821c-44e2-8163-37461a1e67fd") ) (pin "3" (uuid "824df985-dd14-4464-b240-51964cc64394") ) (pin "6" (uuid "8122675d-06c3-4db0-a5cc-770a03618893") ) (instances (project "NodeNodebyhand" (path "/b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98" (reference "U1") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "fab:Conn_PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD") (at 36.83 83.82 0) (unit 1) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced yes) (uuid "b3f70ad7-b439-433c-a366-6b7f0aaaf359") (property "Reference" "J2" (at 36.83 76.2 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (property "Value" "Conn_PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD" (at 36.83 78.74 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "fab_footprints:PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD" (at 36.83 83.82 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "https://cdn.amphenol-icc.com/media/wysiwyg/files/drawing/95278.pdf" (at 36.83 83.82 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "Connector Header Surface Mount 4 position 0.100\" (2.54mm)" (at 36.83 83.82 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (pin "3" (uuid "45b76d5a-4d7e-44a0-8b95-13cc268d1d8e") ) (pin "1" (uuid "f88f9533-d749-4a08-9830-28e23a7239e9") ) (pin "2" (uuid "67f0bb75-2585-4fa6-99dc-0403f4bff18e") ) (pin "4" (uuid "2341af38-670c-4622-84fc-22f92b2f9c63") ) (instances (project "NodeNodebyhand" (path "/b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98" (reference "J2") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "NodeNodebyhand-eagle-import:CONN_02X2-PINHEAD-SMD") (at 220.98 152.4 0) (unit 1) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (uuid "c06ce3e9-6bf1-48f5-98a0-8da9a897420d") (property "Reference" "U$4" (at 212.09 146.685 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Value" "CONN_02X2-PINHEAD-SMD" (at 212.09 157.48 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Footprint" "NodeNodebyhand:2X02SMD" (at 220.98 152.4 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 220.98 152.4 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 220.98 152.4 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (pin "2" (uuid "26900421-32da-44e9-945d-80723e2f19fd") ) (pin "1" (uuid "a8d1b010-a499-46a1-a721-59be2384d9fe") ) (pin "3" (uuid "ec752b33-13ac-4a1a-a6c7-a95ad82060e5") ) (pin "4" (uuid "f023cd35-b93f-4d5f-a935-1a8226bf51d0") ) (instances (project "NodeNodebyhand" (path "/b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98" (reference "U$4") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "NodeNodebyhand-eagle-import:R1206FAB") (at 248.92 83.82 90) (unit 1) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (uuid "d1f04102-f193-4f23-b211-477cbb4fa2ee") (property "Reference" "R4" (at 247.4214 87.63 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Value" "1K" (at 252.222 87.63 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Footprint" "NodeNodebyhand:R1206FAB" (at 248.92 83.82 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 248.92 83.82 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 248.92 83.82 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (pin "2" (uuid "cb8a459b-6616-42f2-9718-a866f8e278e5") ) (pin "1" (uuid "b172c46f-024b-4e3c-bcc8-87469944d699") ) (instances (project "NodeNodebyhand" (path "/b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98" (reference "R4") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "fab:Conn_PinHeader_1x03_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD") (at 95.25 29.21 0) (unit 1) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced yes) (uuid "d2d11b04-6907-4f01-9ef2-e53edc1d86d3") (property "Reference" "J1" (at 95.25 21.59 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (property "Value" "Conn_PinHeader_1x03_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD" (at 95.25 24.13 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) ) ) (property "Footprint" "fab_footprints:PinHeader_1x03_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD" (at 95.25 29.21 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 95.25 29.21 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "Male connector, single row" (at 95.25 29.21 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (pin "1" (uuid "e32efb51-53ca-4f99-b703-40ba677310c9") ) (pin "2" (uuid "92d4a240-359a-4f73-8983-52e6c94a5ab8") ) (pin "3" (uuid "45e40e2e-316e-4db3-b428-e39470253aed") ) (instances (project "NodeNodebyhand" (path "/b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98" (reference "J1") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "NodeNodebyhand-eagle-import:CAP_UNPOLARIZEDFAB") (at 218.44 106.68 0) (unit 1) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (uuid "f8527512-be13-4410-916a-b0feb7b8adb2") (property "Reference" "C1" (at 214.63 104.14 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Value" "1uF" (at 214.63 110.49 0) (effects (font (size 1.778 1.5113) ) (justify left bottom) ) ) (property "Footprint" "NodeNodebyhand:C1206FAB" (at 218.44 106.68 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "" (at 218.44 106.68 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "" (at 218.44 106.68 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (pin "1" (uuid "658ff35c-7edb-49fb-877e-62a5db816fd9") ) (pin "2" (uuid "229fa757-eb68-4851-928a-e26a1eee1a2f") ) (instances (project "NodeNodebyhand" (path "/b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98" (reference "C1") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "Device:C") (at 62.865 52.705 90) (unit 1) (exclude_from_sim no) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (uuid "ffa4adcf-f695-41b5-afd3-e598cf3cc3ab") (property "Reference" "C2" (at 64.516 48.26 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left) ) ) (property "Value" "1uF" (at 64.262 56.642 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (justify left) ) ) (property "Footprint" "fab_footprints:C_1206" (at 66.675 51.7398 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 62.865 52.705 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (property "Description" "Unpolarized capacitor" (at 62.865 52.705 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) ) (hide yes) ) ) (pin "1" (uuid "6b065e9e-2039-4d27-9c6a-ff75600d4271") ) (pin "2" (uuid "101b77c4-048d-441a-9aa5-1b5d88db2681") ) (instances (project "NodeNodebyhand" (path "/b385b24a-d66e-4409-9335-a72073459e98" (reference "C2") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (sheet_instances (path "/" (page "1") ) ) )