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19. Project development

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.


  • Complete your final project tracking your progress.

what tasks have been completed?

3D Printing: All parts of the MiniContinattor have been printed using 3D printing technology to create components such as mecanum wheels, rollers and rounded edges, motor mounts.

CNC Machining: The MiniContinattor structure was made in 9MM MDF material.

Laser cutting: The minicontinator acrylic veneer that fits into the 3d printing frames and the structure are cut with this process.

Assembly, programming, components and installation: The system has been programmed, the electronics have been installed and the Mini Continattor motors, sensors and switches have been integrated and it is working very well, however it is changing from ESP32 to XIAO RP2040.

What tasks remain?

Electronics production: Need to complete the production of the electronic components along with the final programming. Additional programming: Adjust and finalize programming to optimize robot performance and capabilities.

What has worked? what hasn’t?


The integration of the motors, sensors and actuators into the structure was successful. The 3D printed structure and machined parts have fit together perfectly, providing a solid and functional foundation.

It didn’t work:

The transition from the ESP32 to the XIAO RP 2040 has presented technical challenges. The initial implementation of some electronic connections has required additional adjustments and refinements.

What questions need to be resolved?

I am really intrigued by the manufacture of PCBs with CNC Router, in the fablab of Arequipa we do not have a very sophisticated machine, so it is a challenge for me, in January I changed the DSP for a Rich Auto A10 and I was experimenting with the parameters and techniques to improve the quality of the electronic cards. And I would like to add an Autolevel and limit switches to the machine to make electronic cards more easily, maybe it will be improved with a Match 4.

Microcontroller Change: It is necessary to complete the transition from SP32 to XIAO RP 2040 to improve the efficiency and capability of the robot.

PCB Design: Develop and refine the PCB design for the microcontroller and power control.

What will happen when?

Continue electronics production and additional programming to optimize the system. Finalize the transition to the new microcontroller and complete the PCB layout. Perform extensive system testing and final adjustments to ensure optimal operation of the MiniContinattor.

What have you learned?

I have gained valuable knowledge in electronic design and programming, areas that are new to me since I am studying mechanical engineering. This project has been an excellent opportunity to expand my skills and apply multidisciplinary concepts.

Last update: June 5, 2024