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17. Applications and Implications

Propose a comprehensive final project that serves as a culmination of the various units covered throughout the course. The project should encompass elements such as 2D and 3D design, both additive and subtractive fabrication techniques, electronics design and manufacturing, embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming, and system integration and packaging. Whenever feasible, prioritize manufacturing components rather than purchasing them. Projects can be individual or collaborative but must demonstrate individual mastery of the skills and be capable of independent operation. Please refer to the Final Project Requirements for a detailed list of criteria that must be met. Additionally, the answers provided below will aid in creating your Bill Of Materials (BOM).

What are you going to do?

Develop a mini omnidirectional robot that can be controlled with an application for manual control and line follower as used in warehouses.

Who has done what beforehand?



  • KIPI


  • Starship Technologies: Autonomous delivery robots operating on college campuses and urban areas, with autonomous navigation and energy efficiency features.

  • Amazon Scout: Autonomous delivery devices with similar design and navigation capabilities on sidewalks and residential areas.

What will you design?

An autonomous vehicle will be designed with omni-directional navigation capability, remote control via Bluetooth, and an efficient charging system.

What materials and components will be used?

Materials and Components: - 9mm MDF - 2mm white acrylic - 2mm black acrylic - 5mm clear acrylic - Black PLA - Clear PLA - Pins - Screws - LED lights

List of Electronic Components:

  1. ESP32 Dev Kitc 30 pin
  2. 100 uF Capacitor
  3. Terminal black Connectors
  4. Motor driver A4950KLJTR-T
  5. Pin hearders
  6. Voltage Regulator 78MOS
  7. Molex connector
  8. Cooper blank board
  9. Antisolder past

Where will they come from?

Materials will be sourced from local suppliers of electronic components and building materials. Some specialized components, such as PLA and LED lights, can be purchased from specialized online stores.

How much will it cost?

The total estimated cost of the project is approximately …

What parts and systems will be manufactured?

The omnidirectional wheels, the vehicle chassis, and the lithium battery charging system will be manufactured. The electronic components for remote control will also be integrated.

What processes will be used?

  • Cutting and assembly: Using laser cutting tools and CNC router for MDF and acrylic.
  • Design and fabrication of electronic boards: Using Mini CNC Router tools.
  • 3D Printing: For parts made of PLA.
  • Soldering and assembly of electronic components: To integrate the control system and LED lights.

What questions need to be answered?

  • What is the battery life and how can it be optimized?

How will it be evaluated?

The vehicle will be evaluated in terms of its navigability, energy efficiency, and ease of use. Tests will be conducted in different terrains and conditions to ensure robustness and functionality.

Last update: May 23, 2024