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4. Embedded Programming

For the group assignment, participants are tasked with reviewing the datasheet of their microcontroller, comparing its performance and development workflows with alternative architectures, and documenting their findings on the group work page while reflecting on personal insights on their individual page. The individual assignment involves programming a microcontroller development board to engage with local input/output devices and establish communication with remote wired or wireless devices.

Assigmnent checklist

Item Activity Status
1 Linked to the group assignment page. Done
2 Programmed your board to interact and communicate. Done
3 Described the programming process(es) you used. Done
4 Included your source code. Done
5 Included ‘hero shot(s)’. Done

Group Assigmnents

In this assignment, we will address the following tasks:

  • Browse through the datasheet for your microcontroller
  • Compare the performance and development workflows for other architectures
  • Document your work to the group work page and reflect on your individual page what you learned

Individual Assigmnents

In this assignment, we will address the following tasks:

  • Write a program for a microcontroller development board to interact (with local input &/or output devices) and communicate (with remote wired or wireless devices)

Issues, musings, and learnings.

Code Example


From Vimeo

Sound Waves from George Gally (Radarboy) on Vimeo.

From Youtube

3D Models

Last update: April 30, 2024