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1. Principles and practices, Project Management

In this assignment I will present the sketch of my final project. I will also present how I developed the website with the markdown tool.

Assigmnent checklist

Item Activity Status
1 Sketched your final project idea(s) Done
2 Described briefly what it will do and who will use it Done
3 Made a website and described how you did it Done
4 Created a section about yourself on that website Done
5 Added a page with your sketch and description of your final project idea(s) Done
6 Documented steps for setting up your Git repository and adding files to it Done
7 Pushed to your class GitLab repository Done
8 Signed and uploaded Student Agreement Done

1. Final Project

My project is an omnidirectional vehicle where I will demonstrate digital manufacturing processes.

1.1 What it will do

The project will have remote control via Bluetooth, omnidirectional wheels, a battery charging system, I will try to insert a lidar system for an autonomous tour, and interact with voice, the message it will carry will be environmental awareness.

Some background.

  • CAFMA developed by the continental university that interacts with college and university students on environmental awareness.

  • Kipi the robot girl that was developed by Professor Walter Velasquez in COVID times from a rural community, to teach ancestral languages ​​​​such as Quechua, Aymara, Shipibo among others, in addition to other topics related to regular basic education in Peru.

1.2 Who will use it

It is designed so that it can be used in open spaces such as supermarkets, schools, the university campus, where you can interact with people.

  • Campus Continental University.

  • Malls.

  • Schools.

2. Website

The website is built in Markdown and has the structure of

  • Home
  • About me
  • Agreement
  • Assignments
  • Final project

As shown in the following image

2.1 Markdown

I received a template in markdown from my instructor where we have the following files:

The changes I make I consider the tools of

  • Table for assignment checklists
  • Insert figures
  • Embed videos
  • Insert links

2.2 GitLab

I had to upload these files to my Fabcloud account, for this I used Gitbash, visual studio code

3. Synchronize changes and Version

To synchronize the changes I do it from visual studio code using: * Save * Commit * Sync change

The name of the changes I consider the date_time

Last update: April 18, 2024