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2. Computer Aided Design

For the 3D design, first we are going to start from our concept in a 2D drawing, we are going to draw and then capture these measurements in our example. As a control box for irrigation system.

item Activity Status
task 1 Modelled experimental objects/part of a possible project in 2D and 3D software DONE
task 2 Shown how you did it with words/images/screenshots DONE
task 3 Included your original design DONE

2D design sketch.

Before we can start with a digital sketch, we use a freehand sketch to understand a little about the shape and construction process of our 2D digital design, in order to later digitize it in a three-dimensional environment. These include side and front views with reference dimensions.

Our samples taken as reference are:

2D model description

The 2D design phase is simply in a dogital plane, with X-Y axes. For this we are supported by INVENTOR, with the new part and sketch tool.

3D model description

Now the digitization process starts from the initial sketch, the 2D digital drawing at the time of performing certain operations; to take the shape we want. We also continue with the AUTODESK INVENTOR software.

Last update: July 3, 2024