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1. Principles and practices, Project Management.

Assignment Checklist.

item Activity Status
task 1 Sketched your final project idea DONE
task 2 Described brifly what it will do and who will use it DONE
task 3 Made a website and described how you did it DONE
task 4 Created a section about yourself on that website DONE
task 5 Added a page with your sketch and description of your final project idea DONE
task 6 Documented steps for settings up your Git repository and adding files to it DONE
task 7 Pushed to your class GitLab repository DONE
task 8 Signed and uploaded DONE

My final project idea.

Sketch of my final project

Project management

For this weekly assignment task, we are going to require some essential software to fulfill the mandate requested by Neil…

Git Installation and Configuration.

We will start our session inside GitLab, since this will be our repository provided by FabAcademy, now we verify that our access link to our main page as students is enabled.

Now we are going to install GitBash, searching in the browser and executing as user, it is not difficult, just follow the indications; but we must be meticulous to identify what type of processor we have.

Okay, getting here has been easy, now let’s go to one of the drives of our computer, I recommend our local disk “D”. Once located here, we give it anticlick and run GitBash… watch out that it is inside the folder.

We register with USER NAME AND EMAIL, with the following commands.

Installing Visual Studio Code

“Now for the case of creating the clone of our assigned web page we are going to install Visual Studio Code, it is a quick and easy process.

We run the program, and proceed to clone our repository.”

To be able to clone we copy the address that is as an example in the screenshot, so we will obtain a copy of our repository and work on the VSC.

Synchronization and customization


Once inside the VSC environment we can modify several things, icons, text, images and even generate the access links to support our work. Remember to always provide a comment “commit” to synchronize the changes in our page.

In this case we have loaded the MarkDown add-on, to be able to work inside VSC, so we can see the changes in real time, these are also reflected in our page.

As a commentary, it is sometimes necessary to start over and repeat the process to understand precisely how things work.

Last update: July 3, 2024