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Check List Requirement Final Project.

item Activity Status
task 1 Made your slide> 1920 x 1080 pixels with your name, project name, Fab Lab name, a photo/render/sketch of your project, a brief description of what your project is/does DONE
task 2 Made a ~1 minute (10MB/1080p) video of you explaining your project IN PROGRESS
task 3 Made a separate Final Project page that briefly summarises your project IN PROGRESS
task 4 Included the BOM (Bill of Materials) for your project IN PROGRESS
task 5 Linked from this page to any weeks that you worked on your final project IN PROGRESS
task 6 Documented how you implemented system integration in your final project IN PROGRESS
task 7 Linked to your presentation.png and presentation.mp4; make sure they are located to the root of your website IN PROGRESS
task 8 Included all of your original design files in the archive (2D & 3D, board files & code). No external hosting of final project files - discuss file sizes with your instructo IN PROGRESS
task 10 Included the license you chose IN PROGRESS
task 11 Acknowledged work done by others IN PROGRESS

Project Sketch

3D Design.

For the 3D modeling part, Invetor software has been used. This software helps us a lot to have a similar and very real design so that it can be implemented in our project.

Project’s name

For the presentation of my final project, called INTIWAN QARPAY, it is in allusion to the use of the composition of two Quechua words:

  • INTIWAN = What does it mean with the sun.
  • QARPAY = Which means watering (land or farm)

As we indicated the use of the Quechua word INTIWAN, the sun, we use solar panels for our IRRIGATION SYSTEM project for use in remote places where there is no access to the use of household electricity. The use of our INTIWAN QARPAY prototype will be located in remote places where we want to have irrigation efficiency, time-based dosing and above all the possibility of operating with the solar panel system, in addition to being super simple in the way of handling and operation.

In the logo section I use the symbolism of the sun, water in the form of a puddle and the Quechua typography for its name.

My Project Idea (SLIDE)

The project is also designed for use in the irrigation of vegetables such as spinach, cabbage and chard, among others rich in iron, for use against anemia, in rural areas. The modularity of the system can vary in construction and application forms, a self-sufficient water system or a pumping system by electric pumps. It will be our decision.

Intiwan Qarpay © 2024 by Alcides Rubén Ríos Quispe is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0


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2D and 3D Modeling

Add here your modeling and design.

Some other section

This is an updated text.


Qty Description Price Link Notes
1 ESP32 11.87 $ store link Order many
1 RTC DS3231 4.22 $ store link
1 LCD 16x12 4.22 $ store link
1 Battery 12Vdc 4AH 13.17 $ store link
1 Solar panel 13.8Vdc 22.00 $ store link
1 Voltage regulator LM2596 22.00 $ store link
1 Joystick 22.00 $
1 Relé 5Vdc 22.00 $ Order many
1 PVC pipe 2 inches 22.00 $
1 Plywood 18mm 0.78 x 1.2m 22.00 $
1 PCB FR4 0.2mm thickness 22.00 $
1 Electronics components SMD 1206 22.00 $
1 Electric cables 22.00 $
1 PVC connection pipes 22.00 $

Last update: June 28, 2024