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2. Computer Aided Design

This week, the focus shifted towards exploring 2D and 3D software tools. Our objectives included evaluating, selecting, and gaining proficiency in software crucial for digital fabrication.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Evaluate and select 2D and 3D software
  • Demonstrate and describe processes used in modelling with 2D and 3D software

Using Google SketchUp for 3D Modeling

For the modeling phase of my final project, I opted to utilize Google SketchUp due to its familiarity and efficiency. Having used SketchUp extensively since my school days, I find it to be the quickest method for visualizing concepts and generating surface models.

SketchUp Tools and Functionality

SketchUp offers a user-friendly interface with a variety of tools tailored for 3D modeling. Some of the key features include:

  • Drawing Tools: SketchUp provides intuitive drawing tools such as the Line, Rectangle, Circle, and Arc tools, enabling users to create precise shapes and forms.

  • Push/Pull Tool: This tool allows users to extrude 2D shapes into 3D objects by simply clicking and dragging, making it easy to create complex geometries.

  • Component Library: SketchUp comes with a vast library of pre-made 3D components and models that users can incorporate into their designs, saving time and effort.

  • Extensions: SketchUp’s functionality can be extended through various plugins and extensions, enhancing its capabilities. I have installed several extensions to augment SketchUp’s native features and streamline my workflow.

Download Design 1 SketchUp File Download Design 1 STL File

Iterative Design Process: Adding Details

In the iterative design process, I adopted a method of gradually refining my project by starting with basic shapes and then adding intricate details. This approach allowed me to build upon a simple foundation, evolving the design into a more intricate and polished form over time.

Starting with Basic Shapes

Initially, I conceptualized the project using rough blocks or basic shapes, which served as placeholders for different components. This phase focused on establishing the overall structure and layout without delving into intricate details, ensuring a clear understanding of spatial relationships and functional requirements.

Gradually Adding Complexity

As the design progressed, I incrementally incorporated additional details to refine and enhance the overall aesthetics and functionality. This involved layering complexity onto the design, focusing on aspects like contours, textures, and functional components, while maintaining a balance between form and function.

Iterative Refinement

Throughout the design process, I iteratively refined the project by incorporating feedback and evaluating different design alternatives. Each iteration involved identifying areas for improvement and making refinements to achieve the desired objectives effectively.

Personal Opinion:

Google SketchUp has been a staple in my design workflow since my early academic years. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive drawing tools make it easy to create 3D models quickly. SketchUp’s push-pull functionality is particularly noteworthy, allowing me to extrude 2D shapes into 3D objects effortlessly. The availability of a vast library of pre-made components has been instrumental in expediting my design process, enabling me to incorporate complex geometries and intricate details with ease. Although SketchUp may lack some advanced features found in other CAD software like parametric design, its simplicity and quick learning curve make it invaluable for rapid prototyping and concept visualization.

Using Fusion 360 for 3D modelling

In addition to Google SketchUp, I explored Fusion 360 to develop another design of my final project. Fusion 360 is a powerful cloud-based CAD/CAM tool that integrates design, engineering, and manufacturing processes into a single platform.

Fusion 360 offers a comprehensive set of tools for 3D modeling, simulation, and collaboration, making it suitable for a wide range of design projects. Its cloud-based nature enables seamless collaboration among team members and facilitates access to design data from anywhere with an internet connection.

Exploring Fusion 360 Tools

Fusion 360 provides a wide array of features and functionalities, including:

  • Parametric Modeling: Allows the creation of parametric designs, enabling easy modification and iteration.
  • Sculpting: Provides sculpting tools for creating organic shapes and complex surfaces.
  • Assembly Design: Facilitates the creation and management of assemblies with precise control over components and relationships.
  • Simulation: Offers simulation capabilities to analyze the structural, thermal, and modal behavior of designs.
  • CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing): Integrates CAM functionality for generating toolpaths and machining operations.
  • Generative Design: Utilizes generative algorithms to optimize designs based on specified constraints and objectives.

How to Use Fusion 360

Utilizing Fusion 360 involves the following steps:

  1. Creating a New Design: Begin by creating a new design file and selecting the appropriate workspace based on the project requirements.
  2. Sketching: Use sketching tools to create 2D profiles that form the basis of the 3D model.
  3. Modeling: Extrude, revolve, loft, and sweep sketches to create solid bodies and surfaces.
  4. Assembly: If working on an assembly, assemble components and define relationships between them using joints and constraints.
  5. Simulation: Perform simulations to validate the design’s performance under various conditions and constraints.
  6. CAM and Manufacturing: Generate toolpaths and G-code for CNC machining operations directly within Fusion 360.
F360 McMaster

Integrating Parts from McMaster-Carr

For the design, I downloaded various parts from the McMaster-Carr catalog. Fusion 360 allows easy import of these parts, which I then integrated into my design. This not only saved time but also ensured precision, as the parts from McMaster-Carr come with accurate dimensions and specifications. The ability to incorporate real-world components into the design process enhanced the overall functionality and feasibility of my project.

Download Design 2 Fusion360 File Download Design 2 STL File

Personal Opinion:

Exploring Fusion 360 has provided me with insights into its comprehensive suite of tools for 3D modeling, simulation, and manufacturing. Fusion 360’s parametric modeling capabilities allow for precise control over design parameters, allowing for iterative refinement and design optimization. The integration of design, engineering, and collaboration features within the cloud-based platform is particularly impressive. Fusion 360’s simulation capabilities will enabled me to analyze the structural integrity and performance of my designs, providing valuable insights for optimization and refinement. Additionally, Fusion 360 streamlines the manufacturing process by allowing the generation of toolpaths for CNC machining operations directly within the software. While Fusion 360 may have a steeper learning curve compared to SketchUp, its depth of functionality and integration make it a powerful tool for realizing complex design projects.

Using Inkscape for 2D Design

In addition to exploring 3D modeling software, I utilized Inkscape for 2D design to create halftone images from a picture. Inkscape is a powerful and open-source vector graphics editor, well-suited for creating and manipulating 2D designs.

Introduction to Inkscape

Inkscape is a versatile 2D vector graphics software that offers a comprehensive set of tools for creating and editing vector images. Its features include:

  • Drawing Tools: A variety of tools for drawing and shaping objects, including freehand drawing, Bezier curves, and geometric shapes.
  • Object Manipulation: Capabilities for transforming, grouping, and aligning objects.
  • Path Operations: Tools for combining, splitting, and editing paths.
  • Text Tools: Options for adding and styling text.
  • Extensions: A wide range of extensions to extend its functionality, including the creation of tiled clones and halftone effects.

Creating Halftone Images from a Picture

Step 1: Importing the Picture

  1. Open Inkscape: Launch Inkscape and create a new document.
  2. Import Image: Go to File > Import and select the picture you want to convert into a halftone image. Adjust the image size as needed.
Inkscape 1 Inkscape 2

Step 2: Converting the Picture to Greyscale

  1. Select the Image: Click on the imported image to select it.
  2. Convert to Greyscale: Navigate to Filters > Color > Greyscale to convert the image to greyscale, simplifying the process of creating a halftone effect.
Inkscape 3

Step 3: Adding a Circle

  1. Draw a Circle: Use the circle tool to draw a small circle on the canvas. This circle will be used to create the halftone pattern.
  2. Adjust Circle Size: Resize the circle to the desired size for the halftone effect.
Inkscape 4

Step 4: Creating Tiled Clones

  1. Select the Circle: Click on the circle to select it.
  2. Create Tiled Clones: Go to Edit > Clone > Create Tiled Clones. In the dialog box, configure the settings to create a grid of circles that will form the halftone pattern. Adjust the size, spacing, and number of rows and columns to match the greyscale intensity of the image.
  3. Apply Halftone Effect: Experiment with the Shift, Scale, and Rotation settings in the Tiled Clones dialog to achieve the desired halftone effect.
Inkscape 5 Inkscape 6

Finalizing the Halftone Image

  1. Adjust Opacity: If needed, adjust the opacity of the cloned circles to fine-tune the halftone effect.
  2. Export the Image: Once satisfied with the halftone pattern, export the final design by going to File > Export PNG Image. Ensure to select the appropriate export settings for your project requirements.
Zooz Zoozi

You can download the svg file here

Personal Opinion:

Inkscape’s powerful features and intuitive interface make it an excellent choice for creating intricate 2D designs and effects, such as halftone images. The ability to manipulate vector graphics with precision, coupled with the extensive range of tools and extensions, provides immense flexibility for designers. Despite being open-source, Inkscape rivals many commercial vector graphics editors in terms of functionality and ease of use. Its capabilities have been instrumental in expanding my design toolkit, allowing me to seamlessly integrate 2D elements into my digital fabrication projects.

In conclusion, both Google SketchUp and Fusion 360 offer unique advantages and cater to different aspects of the design process. While SketchUp excels in rapid prototyping and concept visualization, Fusion 360 provides advanced features for parametric modeling, simulation, and manufacturing, making it a valuable asset for projects demanding precision and scalability. Inkscape, with its robust 2D design capabilities, complements these tools by enabling the creation of detailed vector graphics and effects, enhancing the overall design workflow.