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Concept and Planning


1. Introduction:

My final project aims to create a user-friendly 3D scanner machine designed to streamline the process of creating custom splints or casts for patients. By utilizing 3D scanning technology, photogrammetry, and a rotating platform, my innovative solution would offer healthcare professionals a faster and more accurate method for capturing detailed hand scans, ultimately improving patient care and treatment outcomes.

2. Problem Statement:

Current methods for creating custom splints or casts for patients’ hands are often labor-intensive, prone to errors, and may not provide the optimal fit and comfort required for effective treatment. Healthcare professionals face challenges in accurately capturing the dimensions and contours of patients’ hands using traditional methods, leading to suboptimal outcomes and patient dissatisfaction.

3. Objectives:

The primary objective of the project is to develop a user-friendly 3D scanner machine specifically designed for capturing detailed hand scans. By integrating 3D scanning technology, photogrammetry, and a rotating platform, the project aims to provide healthcare professionals with a tool that enhances efficiency and accuracy in creating custom splints or casts. The ultimate goal is to improve patient care and treatment outcomes by delivering customized medical devices that precisely conform to individual hand shapes and sizes.

4. Components and Technologies:

The 3D Scanner for Hands project will incorporate the following components and technologies:

  • Photogrammetry: Multiple photographs of the hand from different angles will be analyzed and reconstructed to create accurate 3D models.

  • Rotating platform: A motorized platform will enable the hand to be scanned from various viewpoints, ensuring comprehensive coverage and accuracy.

  • User interface: The system will feature an intuitive interface for healthcare professionals to control the scanning process and review the captured data.

5. Implementation:

The implementation of the project will involve several key steps:

  • Design and fabrication of the physical structure of the 3D scanner, including the rotating platform and camera setup.

  • Integration of hardware components, including cameras, sensors, and motorized mechanisms, to enable precise scanning and data capture.

  • Integration of software algorithms for capturing and processing hand scans, including image reconstruction and model generation.

  • Testing and calibration of the system to ensure accuracy, reliability, and user-friendliness under real-world conditions.

6. Benefits:

The 3D Scanner for Hands project could offer numerous benefits to both healthcare professionals and patients:

  • Faster process: Reduce the time required for creating custom splints or casts, enabling quicker treatment and rehabilitation.

  • Enhanced accuracy: Capture detailed hand scans for precise fitting and better overall comfort.

  • Improved patient care: Provide patients with customized medical devices that address their specific needs and conditions, leading to better treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction.

  • Streamlined workflow: Enable healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care rather than manual measurement and fitting processes, improving overall efficiency and productivity in clinical settings.

All of this would in return increase adoption of this technology and allow for wide-spread use.

7. Target Users:

The target users of the 3D Scanner for Hands project include:

  • Orthopedic surgeons specializing in hand injuries and conditions.

  • Physical therapists and occupational therapists involved in patient rehabilitation and treatment.

  • Patients requiring custom splints or casts due to hand injuries, fractures, or medical conditions affecting hand function and mobility.


Project Overview

The primary goal of the 3D Scanner for Hands project is to develop a rotating platform that enables reliable and consistent hand scans. This subpage provides an overview of the planning process for designing and building the rotating platform.

Goals and Objectives


  • Design and fabricate a rotating platform that ensures stability and precision during hand scans.
  • Integrate the rotating platform seamlessly with other hardware and software components of a 3D scanner.
  • Test and optimize the rotating platform to ensure reliable and consistent performance across multiple scans.


  • Research existing rotating platform designs and technologies.
  • Determine specifications and requirements for the rotating platform, including size, material, and rotation mechanism.
  • Design and prototype the rotating platform using CAD software and rapid prototyping techniques.
  • Test the rotating platform for stability, accuracy, and repeatability.
  • Iterate on the design based on test results and feedback.


Task Start Date End Date
Research and Requirements Gathering 2024-04-01 2024-04-15
Design and Prototype 2024-04-15 2024-05-10
Testing and Optimization 2024-05-10 2024-05-20
Integration with Scanner 2024-05-20 2024-05-25
Final Testing and Validation 2024-05-25 2024-05-30


  • List of materials needed for building the rotating platform.
  • CAD models and design files for the rotating platform.
  • Links to relevant research papers and articles on rotating platform design.

Risks and Mitigation Strategies

Identify potential risks that may affect the development of the rotating platform, such as material availability or manufacturing constraints. Outline mitigation strategies to address these risks and ensure project success.


Overview of the budget allocated for designing and building the rotating platform, including expenses for materials, prototyping, and testing.

System Diagram

The system diagram outlines the main components and their connections in the 3D hand scanner project. The interfaces is used to talk with the controler, which manages motor and sensor(camera) operations. The motor, controlled by the controller, moves the scanning mechanism. The camera captures images/video and send data to the controller. All components are mounted on a sturdy Frame that provides structural support. This setup ensures precise and efficient hand scanning, integrating hardware and software seamlessly.

System Integration

Throughout the development of the final project, I prioritized the seamless integration of system components. This entailed thorough planning, attention to detail, and iterative testing to ensure a cohesive and functional system.

  1. Defining System Requirements

    I began by clearly defining the requirements of the system integration, taking into account the inputs, outputs, functionalities, and interactions between various components. This initial step provided a solid foundation for the integration process and helped guide subsequent decisions and actions.

  2. Identifying Components

    Next, I compiled a comprehensive list of all the components involved in the project, ranging from hardware components like sensors and actuators to software modules and communication interfaces. This step allowed me to gain a thorough understanding of the system architecture and identify potential integration challenges.

    • Key Requirments:

      1. Simplicity and Ease of Use:

        • The product should be straightforward and user-friendly, requiring minimal setup and operation effort.
        • The user interface and controls should be intuitive, allowing users to easily start and stop the scanning process.
      2. Reliability:

        • The machine must produce consistent and accurate scans, ensuring high-quality results each time it is used.
        • Robust components and error-checking mechanisms should be integrated to minimize the risk of malfunctions or inaccuracies.
      3. Simple Design:

        • The design should be streamlined, avoiding unnecessary complexity in both hardware and software.
        • A minimal number of components should be used to reduce potential points of failure and simplify assembly and maintenance.
  3. Designing Interfaces

    I developed detailed interface designs for connecting the various components together, both physically and logically. This involved designing physical interfaces such as connectors, cables, and wiring layouts, as well as defining software interfaces for data exchange between modules.

    • Key Interface Elements

      1. OLED Display:

        • I chose a simple 128x64 OLED screen to display essential information such as the status of the machine and the speed of scanning.
        • The display provides clear and concise messages, making it easy for users to understand the current operation of the scanner.
      2. Control Inputs:

        • Two buttons were included for starting and stopping the scanning process, ensuring straightforward control.
        • A potentiometer was used to adjust the scanning speed, giving users precise control over the scanning process.
      3. Wiring and Connectivity:

        • To simplify the wiring, I routed all the wires for the interface through a single ribbon cable. This made it easier to manage and route the wires within the device.
        • Connectors were used to connect the ribbon cable to the PCB, ensuring a secure and reliable connection while facilitating easy assembly and maintenance.
  4. Implementing Integration

    Following the integration plan, I proceeded to connect and configure the system components according to the established interfaces and communication protocols. Each integration step was conducted methodically, with thorough testing performed at each stage to ensure proper functionality and compatibility.

    • Step-by-Step Integration Process

      1. Mechanical Subsystem:

        • I began by assembling the mechanical components, ensuring that the frame, rotational platform, and mounts were securely attached and properly aligned.
        • The mechanical system was tested for stability and smooth operation, with adjustments made as necessary to eliminate any mechanical play or misalignment.
      2. Electrical Subsystem:

        • Next, I connected the electrical components, starting with the power supply to ensure that all parts received the correct voltage and current.
        • The microcontroller, sensors, cameras, OLED display, buttons, and potentiometer were wired according to the designed interface layout.
        • The ribbon cable and connectors were used to organize and simplify the wiring process, ensuring a clean and reliable connection to the PCB.
      3. Firmware and Software:

        • Custom code was uploaded to the controller, enabling it to control the stepper motor, read inputs from the sensors and cameras.
        • Initial tests were conducted to verify communication between the microcontroller and the phone, motor and all components.
  5. Testing and Validation

    After each step of integrating the system components, I conducted comprehensive testing and validation to verify that everything worked together as intended. This involved performing functional tests, stress tests, and compatibility tests to identify and address any issues or inconsistencies.

    • Each subsystem was integrated separately, starting with the mechanical and electrical systems. The combined system was tested to ensure that the motors operated smoothly and the sensors provided accurate data.
    • The user interface, including the OLED display, buttons, and potentiometer, was tested to confirm that it correctly controlled the scanning process and displayed relevant information.
    • The full system was then assembled, with all components connected and powered on. Comprehensive testing was conducted to verify that the system operated as expected, with reliable scans produced at various speeds.
  6. Addressing Issues and Iteration

    During testing, I encountered several challenges and issues that required troubleshooting and iteration. I addressed each issue promptly, making necessary adjustments and refinements to the integration process. This iterative approach allowed me to continuously improve the system integration and ensure its reliability and robustness.

More planning was done during the Applications and Implications week, in addition to the Project Development week, and the Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income week.