; Initialize G21 ; Set units to millimeters G90 ; Use absolute positioning ; Home all axes G28 ; Home all axes to (0,0,0) ; Move to the start position G1 X0 Y0 Z5 F200 ; Move to the starting point above the bed ; Extrude dots every 2 cm along the X axis M104 S200 ; Set extruder temperature to 200°C (example temperature, adjust as needed) M109 S200 ; Wait for extruder to reach temperature ; Start extrusion process G1 Z0.5 F200 ; Move to 0.5 cm above the bed ; Loop to create dots G91 ; Switch to relative positioning G1 X20 F200 ; Move 20 mm in the X direction G92 E0 ; Reset extruder distance G1 E20 F200 ; Extrude 20 mm of silicone G1 Z20 F200 ; Lift the extruder 2 cm G1 X20 F200 ; Move to the next position G1 Z-20 F200 ; Lower the extruder back to 0.5 cm above the bed G92 E0 ; Reset extruder distance ; Repeat for the remaining dots G1 E20 F200 ; Extrude 20 mm of silicone G1 Z20 F200 ; Lift the extruder 2 cm G1 X20 F200 ; Move to the next position G1 Z-20 F200 ; Lower the extruder back to 0.5 cm above the bed G92 E0 ; Reset extruder distance G1 E20 F200 ; Extrude 20 mm of silicone G1 Z20 F200 ; Lift the extruder 2 cm G1 X20 F200 ; Move to the next position G1 Z-20 F200 ; Lower the extruder back to 0.5 cm above the bed G92 E0 ; Reset extruder distance G1 E20 F200 ; Extrude 20 mm of silicone G1 Z20 F200 ; Lift the extruder 2 cm G1 X20 F200 ; Move to the next position G1 Z-20 F200 ; Lower the extruder back to 0.5 cm above the bed G92 E0 ; Reset extruder distance G1 E20 F200 ; Extrude 20 mm of silicone G1 Z20 F200 ; Lift the extruder 2 cm G1 X20 F200 ; Move to the next position G1 Z-20 F200 ; Lower the extruder back to 0.5 cm above the bed G92 E0 ; Reset extruder distance G1 E20 F200 ; Extrude 20 mm of silicone G1 Z20 F200 ; Lift the extruder 2 cm G1 X20 F200 ; Move to the next position G1 Z-20 F200 ; Lower the extruder back to 0.5 cm above the bed G92 E0 ; Reset extruder distance ; Final move G90 ; Switch back to absolute positioning G1 Z50 F200 ; Raise the extruder to a safe height ; Finish M104 S0 ; Turn off extruder heater M140 S0 ; Turn off bed heater G28 X0 Y0 ; Home X and Y axes M84 ; Disable motors