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Moulding and casting are common processes used in manufacturing to replicate objects with precision.

Moulding: Moulding is the process of creating a hollow cavity, called a mold, into which a liquid or pliable material is poured or pressed to form a desired shape.

Casting: Casting involves pouring a liquid material, typically a metal or polymer, into a mold cavity and allowing it to solidify. The solidified object, known as a ‘cast’, retains the shape of the mold.

Plese find my group assignment page here for an overview outlook of our molding and casting process.


Group Assignment:

  • review the safety data sheets for each of your molding and casting materials,
  • then make and compare test casts with each of them
  • compare printing vs machining molds

Individual assignment:

  • design a mold around the process you’ll be using
  • produce it with a smooth surface finish,
  • and use it to cast parts