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Probing Input Devices’ Signals

Please find my group assignment for the week here: Week 11: Probing Input Devices’ Signals


From this week’s the group assignment, I learn:

  • Understanding Signal Visualization: Using the oscilloscope helped me grasp how electrical signals are visualized in real-time, showing waveform characteristics like amplitude and frequency.
  • Adjusting Parameters for Clarity: Experimenting with vertical and horizontal scales showed how adjusting these parameters affects the clarity and comprehensibility of signal display.

  • This week assignment in general has reinforced me the importance of thoroughly understanding and mastering the devices you use, particularly their power requirements and operating voltages. It’s crucial to prevent any potential damage as well as to get the expected readings to our components or devices.

  • Aside from that, during testing and prototyping, I used many jumper cables, with the help of breadboard. I realized that most of the time, the problems came from poor-quality cables or incorrect wiring connections. So, most of the issues were due to physical properties rather than the code.