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This week, we learn about computer-controlled cutting and parametric press-fit modelling.

  1. Computer-controlled cutting

    refers to the process of using computer numerical control machines to precisely cut materials, such as wood, metal, plastic, or composites. It is considered as subtractive manufacturing process since it involves the removal of material from a workpiece to create a desired shape or form. The overall process of computer-controlled cutting looks like this:

    1. Design files preparation > 2. Conversion to machine code > 3. Setup (machine & material) > 4. Execution > 5. Monitoring and QC > 6. After-process

    We need to pay attention to each of these steps since they are interconnected and will impact the resulting outcome.

  2. Parametric Design

    is an approach in design and modeling, where design is driven by parameters and relationships between different elements. It works by defining parameters (design variables), setting constraints (rules that govern how each parameters relate to each other), and relations between parameters and constraints, either mathematical or logical.

  3. Press-Fit Construction

    is a method used to join two or more components together without the need for additional fasteners like screws, bolts, or adhesives. Instead, the components are designed with features that allow them to be firmly joined by inserting one part into another with a tight fit. This tight fit creates friction between the mating surfaces, holding the parts securely in place.

This week is all about understanding the essential processes and procedures, defining ideal settings, as well as key considerations to produce model outputs that meet our desired quality, in a safe, effective, and efficient way.


Group assignment

  1. Characterize your lasercutter’s focus, power, speed, rate, kerf, joint clearance and types. ✅
  2. Document your work to the group work page and reflect on your individual page what you learned.✅

Individual assignments

  1. Design, lasercut, and document a parametric construction kit, accounting for the lasercutter kerf, which can be assembled in multiple ways. ✅
  2. Cut something on the vinyl cutter. ✅


  • Linked to the group assignment page.
  • Explained how you created your parametric design.
  • Documented how you made your press-fit construction kit.
  • Documented how you made something with the vinyl cutter.
  • Included your original design files.
  • Included hero shots of your results.

How I approach this week?

What I want to learn this week:

  • How’s the standard procedure of operating laser cutter and vinyl cutter and what things to take into considerations?
  • What’s the ideal settings to cut materials with our lab’s laser cutter and vinyl cutter?
  • How to do parametric modelling?
  • How to make press-fit construction?

My strategy for surviving this week:

  • Documentation: focus more on highlighting learning and insights instead of just tutorials!
  • Parametric press-fit kit: focus less on the ‘object’ or aesthetic, and more on the design process and ‘module’ –make it modular utilising one module only that is varied in size and let it surprises me with what form configurations can be generated from that.

  • Extra points I set for myself (only to explore if I have time):

    • including elements that aren’t flat
    • zero waste laser cutting
    • parametric modeling with Blender


  • At first I assume this week would be uninteresting, because I though it’s all about standard operational procedure of a very technical stuffs.. on the other hand, i feel a bit insecure because I never operate our lab’s machine on my own, including the laser cutter. so, I’m a bit anxious because i don’t know things, however at the same time, this makes feel genuinely curious and excited to learn the process so that I can produce anything i want next time without having to wait for Eka! haha