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Model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, …) a possible final project, compress your images and videos, and and post a description with your design files on your class page


  • Modelled experimental objects/part of a possible final project in 2D and 3D software
  • Compress your Images and Videos
  • Shown how you did it with words/images/screenshots
  • Included your original design files

How I Approach This Week

I’m not a newbie in design tools. During architecture school, I used Sketchup, Autocad, Rhino, and other design softwares a lot. But that was like 7 years ago.... Upon graduating architecture, I’ve worked as a design researcher since, therefore I haven’t really dived deep into 3D product design modelling softwares again. Ofcourse as a designer, I use design softwares until today, but mostly are sketchup, figma, and google slides (HAHAH), because that’s more than enough enough for my usual day-to-day work. Therefore, I want to update myself with latest design softwares capabilities and try to getting used to them. Goal for this week is to explore as many design softwares as possible. My personal goal is to find the one that I’m comfortable working on. As I’m new to many of these modelling softwares, I feel this week is going to be a fun but challenging one!

Here are some of the softwares that I am interested to explore this week. I am looking for ones that are intuitive or user-friendly to use, open & free, while maintaining accuracy, able to do collaboration is a plus, and looks fun!!

2D Design

  • Inkscape

Interested because it’s free and easy to use! Really helpful for those who can’t afford Illustrator.

  • Figma

I’m already familiar with Figma. It’s web-based, collaborative, and intuitive design platform that is widely usually used for UI/UX design purposes. So,it’s not really a vector or raster focused, but definitely built on top of vectors but and has some capability to edit raster images. Although is not as extensive as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, has many extensive plugins

3D Design

  • Onshape

Interested because it’s web-based, able to do collaboration, seems easy to use - gives room for flexibility but still maintaining precision, has version control system

  • Fusion360 | Parametric Press-Fit Construction Kit Module

More common for product design and precision modelling, feels like suitable if you already know what you want to make, not for experimental explorations – but because many people use fusion, I feel like I need to get used to how it works too.. in a way

  • Blender

Interested because it’s free and seems fun to use, mesh-based but has node-geometry and generative capabilities in it, great simulation and rendering capabilitie. Inspired by Maria Gonzalez from MIT