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Extra: Site Customization

I customize my site along the way as I go throughout my FA journey. You can find here the master guideline, references, and tutorials on how to customize and personalize Mkdocs Material site. Below are some curated settings that I have implemented to mine:

Configuring Site Looks

Text Formatting

  • How to highlight
  • How to underline
  • How to strikethrough
  • sub-script: H2O
  • super-script: ATA
  • keys Cmd+Shift+V


Activating Emojis 😎

👉 here

Enabling Admonitions/Call-Outs

I use this a lot throughout my documentation page. This is to include side content without significantly interrupting the document flow. Learn more details here


To include side content without significantly interrupting the document flow. Learn more details here