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Mid-Term Progress

Systems Design

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Project Management

Ideal Project Management towards Final Project

Reflection so far

Time Management

I have very poor time management skills. I am currently working on two projects in Fab Lab Bali and Fab Academy at the same time - balancing work and Fab Academy is a disaster. I tried my best to do supply time side management but when you have micro-managing clients and last minute grant applications.... your plan quickly gets thrown into the bin.

This was what a very busy week looked like for Elaine at one point alt text

But I became even more busy in the end and didn’t even have time to continue SSTM. Having proper rest is important in between.... but I don’t feel like I have enough rest..... so the days that I should be documenting were substituted with me taking breaks some day which made me late in working on documentations....

Ideally, if you have limited supply time - then you would need to carefully plan your time. In Rico’s words:

  • assess the most current situation
  • arrange tasks in priority order
  • determine how much time each prioritized task should take
  • opportunities for multi-tasking (documenting while 3D printing)
  • scheduling time for reasonable rest

If you skip those steps - you may however find the opposite thing happening to you - you are working without looking at the bigger picture- which tasks are actually prioritised and the stress that will come out from feeling out of control.

Unfortunately for me, planning has never been my strongest suit and it always stresses me out. Also things never came out exactly as planned despite taking the time to plan. In famous words I “Just Do It”. Embrace the chaos. Life is a chaos anyway. That was how I’ve been winging it so far in Fab Academy - which may be have been the wrong way to approach things. So really don’t follow my advice.