Problem Statement

It's really shocking to hear about the incident in the mining industry in Uttarakhand, where 40 workers were trapped in a tunnel collapse. The efforts of the Indian rescue teams, especially the National Disaster Response Force, are commendable in ensuring the safety of all the trapped workers. The use of radio handsets, oxygen, food pipelines, and heavy construction equipment played a crucial role in the successful rescue operation. However, incidents like these highlight the urgent need for improved safety measures in mining operations. Developing easy-to-use, portable devices that aid miners in working safely is a great idea. These devices could help prevent accidents and provide timely assistance in emergencies, ensuring the well-being of miners. It's essential to prioritize the safety of workers in hazardous environments like mines to prevent such incidents from happening again in the future.


So, I decided to develope a ore secure helmet which is specially made for avoiding accidents happens during mining because of hazardous gasses present in the mines and small small rocks collide on miners. Here i have interface gas sensor with buzzer which detects hazardous gasses and gives detection alarm, pressure sensor which gives intensity of pressure created because of rocks collides on the helmet which helps doctors to detect the hited location of head and ldr sensor which is used to on or off the led based on light intensity. all these sensors are interface with esp32 c3 microcontroller.

Siddhi Bodhe Fab Academy😁