
is at the forefront of my mission –
Fostering meaningful connections and driving positive change is my ultimate goal.

Connect with

To inspire, sharing, and create opportunities for one another
For fostering inspiration and collaboration

Perpetual architect of
life's solution

African innovation should emanate directly from Africa,
pshaping the future of the continent.

About Me

Names: Shadrach Munyeshyaka Nkurunziza
Company: Nyereka Tech

Meet Shadrach Highflyer, a trailblazer in IoT and Embedded System Development and the visionary Founder & CEO of Nyereka Tech. Graduating with a degree in Electronic and Telecommunication in 2018, I have a mission to cultivate the next generation of African innovators throught giving them easy access to the emerging tech soluition....

Final Project Ongoing

This is my Work demonstration.

In my Fab Academy class 2024

Explore my monthly updates to witness the evolution of my work and track my continuous learning journey at Fab Academy.

  • Principles and practices

    Week 1
    • 1. Work on github tutorial.
    • 2. Develop a personal website describing you and your final project.
    • 3. Upload it to the class archive.
  • Computer-Aided Design(CAD)

    Week 2

    Create a representation (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, etc.) of your potential final project, condense your images and videos, and share them on your class page.

  • Computer controlled cutting

    Week 3

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Electronics production

    Week 4

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • 3D Scanning and printing

    Week 5

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Embedded Programming

    Week 6

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Computer controlled machining

    Week 7

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Electronics Design

    Week 8

    This week, we delved into the intricacies of PCB design using Kcard software, mastering the art of crafting intricate circuit boards. As a result of our efforts, we were able to seamlessly transition from design to reality by printing out the PCB. It's been an enlightening journey, empowering us with practical skills in electronics and engineering.

  • Output devices

    Week 9

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Mechanical design & machine design

    Week 10

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Break - Midterm review

    Week 11

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Input devices

    Week 12

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Molding and casting

    Week 13

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Networking and communications

    Week 14

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Interface and application programming

    Week 15

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Wildcard week

    Week 16

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Applications and implications

    Week 17

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Invention, intellectual property and income

    Week 18

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Project development

    Week 19

    Every endeavor undertaken in Fab Academy resonates within this space. Experience it firsthand this month; witness the impact of our ongoing efforts.

  • Autonomous 4W Rrobotics

    6 Months
    • 1. Electronic design.
    • 2. IoT camera and control Interface.
    • 3. 3D design and Laser.


E-mail: shadrach@nyerekatech.com
WhatsApp: +250788720876