Week 17

Project Development

What tasks have been completed

For now i've managed to put the idea into practice and the project is running perfectly but i'm still figuring out ways to design a simple and portable enclosure and also be able to have all the components fit in.

Remainig Tasks

The remaining tasks is to design and print compatible enclosure for everything and also add a wheel/roller on the rotary that will help keep count of the distance traveled manually.

What's working & what's not

The whole system works perfectly meaning you can use to this device to measure distance travelled by the roller and the result will be displayed on the oled display by now what hasn't worked is the enclosure.

What Questions need to be resolved?

The question that needs to be resolved here is the problem of using a tape measure that has a 5M maximum measuring distance, Acuracy of measurement taken to the smallest decimal fraction possible, a Digital Display detailing the measurements taken to its fractions, the abillity to switch unit of measurements, being able to store data taken for usage later.

What will happen when?

I think the project will be finished by the end of the programm and i hope to have achieved what i set out to achieve

What I have learned?

Documentation during Development

DUe to the rush to finish not past the deadline so i wouldn't say i documented well as i can but this started when we engaged with the field where it was all new to me such as electronics but the best documentation so far are the first weeks

Demand vs Supply-side Time Management