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2. Introduction to Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Welcome to this week’s exploration of Computer-Aided Design (CAD)! In this module, we explored into the fascinating world of 2D and 3D software tools, unlocking endless possibilities for design and innovation. From creating precise technical drawings to sculpting intricate 3D models, CAD empowers us to visualize and materialize our ideas with precision and efficiency. Join me on this journey as we dive into the realm of digital design and unleash our creativity using cutting-edge CAD software.

Softwares Explored

  • Photoshop (Rastor)
  • Sketchpad (2D Vector)
  • Inscape (2D Vector)
  • Adobe Illustrator (2D Vector)
  • freeCAD (3D)
  • Fusion360 (3-D,Render)

1. Photoshop - Rastor software

To Explore the Rastor softwares I explored the most widly used software Adobe Photoshop. As a Design student we genrally use the illustrator and the photoshop a lot for our assignments. So am familliar a bit with photoshop.

This the Interface that opens after you open the software, Here you can continue a project that you have left to complete later or make a new project and select the size of the artboard you want to use (eg.postcard,A4,etc) I selected a poster, size wanted to make a poster that says goodnight for a instagram post on my design account Goodnight Post

I started with figuring out the typeface for my poster which was really easy, Just select the type tool, write down the text and in the panel on the right side you can hover on the typface and it will change on the screen which makes the selection really easy, Also when you hover on the tools there is a animation that tells you very clearly what the tool does, so anyone who is using the software even for the first time its really easy to learn what tool does what.

Selected the background color for my poster just by selecting the layer of my background and on the right side panel there is a color bar where we can select the color we want or put the RGB code if we want anything specific also tried some text layout.

After finalising the typeface and text size I wanted to give my text a wavevy effect and not just the straight text, I went onto the effect pannels and under that went on to distort and twirl to give the effect.

In the background of the text I wanted to add a brush which I had downloaded earlier which was a moon shaped brush and was going seamlessly with my theme of the poster, but when I was adding the brush it wasnt allowing me to add it because the rectangle shape was not rastorized, As everything on photoshop works on pixels so it was needed to rastorised. This was the prompt it gave me when I was adding the brush.

To make the shape rastorized we need to right click the shape and there is the option of rastorize the shape like this

Now I was able to apply the brush tool (moon brush) on the background.

The next thing I did was to apply a filter on my poster by going to filter pannel

Applied the texture filture for my poster and now it was ready!!

Quickly exported the file and uploaded on my Design account on Instagram do check it out! Goodnight Post

Final Poster

2. Sketchpad - 2D Vector software

I played with the interface of the sketchpad initially looking at what tools are there in it and how efficient of a software it is. The software is easy to use and opened in the browser easily for use. Below is the interface of the software which looks very easy for me personally and clear on usability.

I started exploring shapes in the Sketchpad, I liked the burst shape on the tools and converted the shapes into flower and filled it with color. Made heart shapes for the a concept that I was going to build you can see further

For my next thing I added male and female in smiling in one frame wanted to make a small sticker type of a theme that says “LOVE NEVER DIES IT ONLY GROWS” I added goggles to the male and made flowers on the head of the female.

The Concept that I have showed here is the fading heart show the distance that is growing between 2 individuals that are in love but when the last two heart meet the heart becomes solid and the love does not end or fade away with distance but in instance it grows, I added text and customized text in the text tool present.Below is the Final Exploration of Sketchpad.

3. Inscape - 2D Vector Software

I downloaded the Inscape software from the browser, pretty easy to download it.

I explored the interface of the Inscape initially, saw the functionality of all the tools and what their function is, the interface itself was self explainatory and easy to understand.

Further I started exploring the software by using different shape tools to build a pattern to, if you press “shift” key and change the size of the shape it increases uniformly.

Used shape builder tool to make different shapes from circles and rectangles

Making differnt forms through the shape builder tool

Then I explorated the 3D tool in the software (which I found to be better than illustrator), I explored 3D type in the software.

4. Adobe Iluustrator

This is the Home Page of Adobe illustrator where you can select what type of artboard you want or if you want to open a new file that you have left saving and open again to design.

Here you can set the orrientation and dimensions of your artboard, the Art board sizes depend on the purpose of your design, eg. A Poster might have different dimensions while a postcard might have different.

This is your field now, The place where you make great stuff while designing, On the left side there are different tools that you can you to make your designs and on the right side are different panels for different situations for your deisgn.

This Part of the software I like the most, as I said that there are all the tools to your left when you hower your mouse over every mouse one by one a cute little annimation pops up that tells you about what it can do in a very very easy way, so if you are even using it for the first time its pretty easy to use it.

I started with adding a few basic shapes in different colors to explore the software.

Then I went on to explore what the effects do Drew a basic rectangle to the size of the artboard itself.Next go to the effects pannel and select the effect you want I selected the round corners and here is the result.

Let me explain you what the pannels on the right side do breifly

The Layers panel in Adobe Illustrator allows users to organize and manage the different elements of their artwork by arranging them into separate layers, making it easier to edit and control specific parts of the design independently.

The Artboards panel in Adobe Illustrator allows users to create and manage multiple artboards within a single document, facilitating the organization and design of various layouts or iterations within one file.

The Properties panel in Adobe Illustrator provides quick access to the properties and settings of selected objects, allowing users to easily adjust and modify their attributes, such as color, stroke, opacity, and more.

The Pathfinder panel in Adobe Illustrator enables users to perform various operations on selected shapes, such as combining, subtracting, intersecting, or dividing them, to create complex vector shapes and designs with precision and efficiency.

At the end I made a poster for a Gen Z phrase that is used a lot these days “AEEYOO!”

Comparison between Illustrator,Inscape and Sketchpad


  • Extensive Features: It offers a comprehensive set of tools and features for creating complex vector artwork, including advanced drawing tools, typography controls, color management, and precise path editing.

  • Integration: Illustrator seamlessly integrates with other Adobe Creative Cloud applications like Photoshop and InDesign, allowing for smooth workflow and file compatibility.

  • Industry Standard: It’s considered the industry standard for vector graphic design due to its robust features and widespread adoption in professional settings.


  • Usability: Inkscape has a user-friendly interface with a wide array of tools for creating and editing vector graphics. Its functionality is suitable for both beginners and advanced users, although mastering all features may require some learning.

  • Features: Inkscape offers a comprehensive set of features, including drawing tools, shape manipulation, text support, layers, gradients, and advanced path editing.

  • Community Support: Being open-source, Inkscape has a supportive community of users and developers who provide tutorials, documentation, and plugins to enhance its functionality.


  • Usability: Sketchpad provides a simple and intuitive interface with basic drawing tools, making it easy for users to get started with creating vector graphics. It’s suitable for quick sketches and basic illustrations.

  • Features: Sketchpad offers a limited set of features compared to desktop software like Inkscape. It includes basic drawing tools, shapes, text support, and basic manipulation options.

  • Integration: Sketchpad integrates with various online platforms and services, allowing users to import/export files and collaborate with others online.

5. FreeCAD - 3D Software

Exploring FreeCAD for CAD Design

During this week’s assignment, I had the opportunity to delve into FreeCAD, a powerful open-source CAD software. My exploration began with the creation of a basic rectangular shape, where I experimented with applying curved constraints to achieve a more dynamic form. By manipulating parameters and dimensions, I was able to refine the shape to meet specific design requirements, demonstrating the flexibility and versatility of FreeCAD’s parametric modeling capabilities.Downloaded freeCAD through the browser and installed the software in my dekstop.

Problems faced in freeCAD

The shape that I had was constantly not getting solved even after making it twice/thrice, Them I noticed the error that I had added an extra constraint in the shape and hence, it was red that meant not solved, the solution was simple by going on to the constraints just deleted the extra constraint and my shape was formed!

Applying Constraints and Solving Shapes

One of the key features I explored in FreeCAD was the application of constraints to control the geometry of my design. By defining relationships between different elements of the shape, such as angles and distances, I ensured that the design remained consistent and adaptable to changes. Additionally, I utilized FreeCAD’s solver function to automatically resolve any conflicting constraints, enabling smooth and seamless adjustments to the shape while maintaining design integrity.

Beveling and Extruding the Shape

To further enhance the visual appeal of the design, I experimented with beveling and extruding techniques in FreeCAD. Beveling allowed me to add chamfers or rounded edges to the shape, providing a more polished and ergonomic look. Meanwhile, extruding enabled me to give depth and volume to the design, transforming it from a 2D sketch into a fully realized 3D object. Through these processes, I gained a deeper understanding of FreeCAD’s extensive modeling capabilities and its potential for creating complex and intricate designs.

6. Fusion 360 - 3D Software

I started using Fusion 360 by creating a 3D model of a stool from my home. With Fusion 360’s easy-to-use tools, I designed each part of the stool, like the Base and seat. After some adjustments, I rendered a realistic image of the stool, showing how Fusion 360 can bring ideas to life in 3D. Below is the actual Image of the stool.

Started the process by sketching out one side of the stool in the front plain with line tool and fit point spline. Below is the skect for the product.

My next step was to use the revolve tool after finishing my sketch. I used the tool Revlove and selected the sketch and revolved it around the Z axis in a 360 degree.

After Revolving the Sketch I got a basic structure of a product and started giving it details like the hole in the center.

Next step I did was as the whole product was a solid right now I used the Shell tool to make it hollow and make it look how it should look like

After this my 3-D model of the product was ready and I moved on to render the product with the same material and color as the actual product

Waiting in the queue!

Final Render of the product

Comparison of Fusion 360 and Free Cad


  • Usability: FreeCAD has a steeper learning curve compared to some other CAD software due to its extensive features and customizable nature. However, it offers a wide range of tools for parametric modeling, sketching, part design, and assembly design.

  • Customization: FreeCAD allows for extensive customization through Python scripting, making it highly flexible for users who want to adapt the software to their specific needs.

  • Community Support: Being open source, FreeCAD has a vibrant community of users and developers who provide support, tutorials, and plugins to enhance its functionality.

Fusion 360:

  • Cloud-Based: Fusion 360 is a cloud-based CAD software developed by Autodesk. It offers a combination of CAD, CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing), and CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) tools in a single platform.

  • Usability: Fusion 360 is designed to be more user-friendly and intuitive, with a modern interface and streamlined workflow. It’s generally considered to have a lower learning curve compared to FreeCAD, especially for beginners.

  • Integrated Tools: Fusion 360 integrates CAD, CAM, and CAE functionalities into a single platform, allowing users to seamlessly transition between designing, simulating, and manufacturing their products.

  • Collaboration: Fusion 360’s cloud-based nature facilitates collaboration among team members, as multiple users can work on the same project simultaneously and access project files from anywhere with an internet connection.

Anywho still use Fusion 360 as I am much familliar with it and used it many times than any other software for CAD

Files made for explorations!

Fusion file

Inscape File

Illustrator File