2. Computer-Aided Design
Now we are gonna learn about design, or at least put in practice some of the stuff I learnt this week
Let´s get some design done (1st step)
My mission was to get like a watermark, I´m aiming to use it for all my projects, something like a personal logo
I remembered i used to hace an unicorn I loved in primary school, so i looked for it, and found it, i just wanted to
use it as a reference.
So, I took a picture with my phone...
Now, I used that image to draw over it, i decided to use Illustrator, so I opened a new file, and inserted the image
And, started to use the pen tool, to draw over it, i discovered, I am not as good as I thought I would be hahaha
And this is what i got:
But that was only the beggining, i wanted a different pose, so i selected the head, and turned it around
Ereased the original one, and inserted the new head, now it has a different pose, and I added some eyes, to make it
look cute
Saved it as png and it was ready to go.
Okay, so I´m something like a collector of diecast cars, and i wanted to do like a base to display them
The reason for it, is that my cars are always rolling around whenever I put them in a solid surface
So I took some measurements:
With those, I got my main measurements: I was gonna need a rectangle of 10 x 5 cm, the wheels are about 4mm
and since I wanted it centered on the base, I needed do leave something close to 2.5 cm from the center to the rest area of the wheels.
So, with those, I got hands on it, first thing, open Catia then start> mechanical design> part design
Now, naming the project, I just named it caballo for no reason at all
I selected the xy plane to work, just click on it
Used the rectangle tool, to make the base of it
Used the rectangle tool, to make the base of it, and went out of the sketch
Next, used the pad option to give it 3mm of volume
Got my base!
Made a new sketch over the last rectangle, and drew the little holes where I´m gonna set the wheels of the car
Used the pocket tool, and just used 1mm cause I dont want to hide too much of the wheels
Lookinnnn´ fineee
And something like my first hero shot, this would look like, when I print it in 3D, I think we are gonna learn that eventually