15. Wild Card

Machine learning

click hereto go to the Teachable machine website

Teachable Machine is a web-based tool that makes it possible to create machine learning models quickly, easily, and accessibly for everyone.

To use it first you enter the Teachable machine site and you select the option you want either image proyect, audio proyect or posture proyect, for this instance i used the image project

first when you select it it will open a new window
in the window you'll have this section where you have the classes that you will train your machine to classify
In each class you have two options use your webcam to take new images or to uplaod images that you already had saved
The second object doesnt requiere much work, but when you select the first option it will open your webcam and will require that you put in frame the thing you want your machine to identify.
once you have the object ready to teach the machine to identify you will keep pressed the button that says "keep pressed to record" and the machine will identify that set of images as the object you selected.
you can add more classes and train your machine to identify a various number of things .
when you are ready to export your model you will press the button that says "prepare model", it will take some time to get it ready.
once it finishes preparing your model you press the "export model" button thats to the right of the "prepare model" button. (see in image below)
once that is done you have to save your model and copy its code and your model is ready.

once you have taken whatever number of images you wanted for all the sets you wanted you charge the model and save it to export it, my code is.

Try it yourself

Teachable Machine Image Model