This will allow me to consider the things I will actually do for my final project, which will involve being realistic and lowering expectations a little of what my project could have been.

What will my project do?

I have thought that an electrolysis generator is very good, I do not need to generate a gate where the gas passes, simply now I just want it to generate H2 and I can know how much hydrogen gas I am actually generating and make it happen. gas generated is reflected on a screen.

Who has done this before?

There are already people who have been manufacturing several prototypes or projects in which the difficulty increases some more than others, but I have been able to guide myself from some of them to be able to create the basic principles and make all this work for my prototype.

It has been researched that the efficiency of a generator is not always the best so I will have to know what the best conditions are for it to work. I will have to know what will be a good solution so that all this can generate a greater flow of electrons and thus in the next step be able to create improvements to the project, for now it will be something basic so that this can take the first step to something bigger .

Building an electrolysis generator involves several key components: a power button, a 9V battery, electrolysis cells, an anode and a cathode, a hydrogen sensor (M8 sensor), and an OLED screen to display the results.

Design and Selection of Materials

Materials Research:
For the Electrolysis Cells I will select a resistant and non-corrosive material to build the electrolysis cells.
For the Anode and Cathode I will need to use corrosion-resistant conductive materials. Platinum and stainless steel are good options although very expensive, I will have to find a substitute that can fulfill its function without affecting my wallet so much. and for the power button I will choose a button that can handle the voltage of 9V and has good durability. The high quality and waterproof buttons are highly recommended in the market.

Circuit Design

I will design a simple circuit where the 9V battery will power the electrolysis process. The circuit must include the power button to control the flow of power.
I will also incorporate an M8 sensor in the circuit design to measure the hydrogen generated and have this reflected on a screen.

Component Assembly

For the Installation of the Power Button I will connect the button to the circuit in such a way that when pressed, it closes the circuit and allows current to flow from the battery to the electrolysis cells. I will have to make sure that the connections are secure and well insulated to avoid a short circuit.
It will also be important to assemble the cells using the selected material.
Placing the anode and cathode inside the cells, making sure they are securely fastened and do not come into direct contact with each other.
I will fill the cells with water, preferably distilled water, and add an electrolyte (such as salt or baking soda, although I have considered using seawater now since it contains salt and that could make it a good conductor of energy) , as I have previously done in other investigations to facilitate the electrolysis process.
To connect the 9V Battery I will have to connect it to the circuit making sure that the polarity is correct (positive to the anode and negative to the cathode), I will have to use supports or something to secure the battery to the device.

Integration of Hydrogen Sensor and OLED Screen

For this process I will need to connect the M8 sensor to the electrolysis cells to measure the amount of hydrogen produced. Also ensure that the sensor is calibrated and correctly positioned to obtain accurate measurements of this process.
Connecting the OLED Screen To integrate the OLED screen into the circuit to show the readings of the M8 sensor, I will have to see some way in which I can connect the OLED screen to the M8.
I will need to program the OLED screen to show the amount of hydrogen generated in real time. Making sure the screen is securely fixed and visible to the user.

What will I design?

  1. I will design a structure which will consist of 5 parts to design:
    • Support where the circuit of my project will be hidden and my battery where it will supply current to the anode and cathode
    • A water container with a small hole, which will contain the water with the solution to allow the H2 gas to come out
    • Another container larger than the water container since there will be antifreeze in it
    • Tubes in which H2 could come out
    • Container where hydrogen can be generated separately
  2. I will design the circuit that will make the button work with the battery, the anode and the cathode.

  3. Also the circuit in which I will connect my OLED and my m8 sensor

What materials will I use?

  • 1 M8 sensor to measure hydrogen.
  • 1 OLED screen 128X32
  • 1 worm screw for the anode and cathode
  • 1 Buttons
  • 1 9V Battery
  • Cables
  • Solution for the electrolysis to work (sea water if the tests are favorable, if they don't go well I will have to use CuOH2)
  • steel for electrolysis plates
  • For the base it will use a PLA type material in 3D printing.
  • I have thought about an acrylic for the part of the containers where the solution and antifreeze will go.
  • For the tubes I will use a PLA in 3D printing.

    Where will they come from?

    These materials are not difficult to obtain, I think about buying some materials in the center of Puebla, others through Amazon and some components in Esteren

    What will be the price of this project?

    I have an estimate of the cost but I prefer not to make assumptions and put the price when I buy all the components in a table to be able to get the total cost of the product. I will also be updating this list constantly in case I am missing something in my project.

    Product List for my final project
    ID Product Category Price Quantity
    1 PLA Design -- 1 roll
    2 Acrylic Design -- 2 plates
    3 Steel Design -- 1 plate
    4 Worm screw Design -- 1 pc
    5 Sensor M8 Circuit -- 1 pc
    6 OLED display Circuit -- 1 pc
    7 Button Energy -- 1 pc
    8 9v battery Energy -- 1 pc
    9 Cables Energy -- 20 cables

    What processes will be used?

    • CAD
    • Laser cutting
    • 3D printing
    • Inputs
    • Outpuds
    • Electronic design
    • Circuit and cable welding
    • Communications

    What questions do you need to ask me?

    • Will there be time to do the entire project?
    • Could the production processes be accelerated?
    • How to prevent the gas from escaping?
    • Will you have all the material in time to build?

    Get in touch
