Mid Term Review

Esta semana tiene como intencion ver que tal vamos e ir al corriente con todo lo demas que nos queda por hacer.

Progreso de mis tareas en el Fab academy

Assignaments📜 Documentation status
Principles and Practices, Project Management 100%
Computer-Aided Design 100%
Computer-Controlled Cutting 75%
Electronics production 100%
3D Scanning and Printing 83%
Embedded Programming 0%
Computer-Controlled Machining 50%
Electronics Design 50%
Output devices 0%
Mechanical Design, Machine Design 100%

I'm a little late with some tasks, this week I'll have to complete them as soon as possible

Progress of the final project

For my final project I have been looking at models that probably help the prototype, so I have to start manufacturing the parts I want to take into consideration the type of model I will need and quote the parts and materials.

I have also made a 3D model of my model which looks good and I am considering creating just the generator.

Similarly, I have to continue researching circuits because I have not been finding many like the ones I need since my project is not so common
