Are we lawyers now? I might just get a suit

The final project has already taken shape and there are some areas that are nearly complete, now it's time to talk about how is the general public going to know about it. Well, the idea and the prototype already made some of the rounds out there by being tested by our target testing population, which was the visually impaired children of the "Topos Puebla" Football Club, also it has already been presented in my university's bianually project expo, receiving an award for Technology in Medical Applications.

Dissemination Slide

But we are talking about the future, what can this project expect going forward? Well, it's not a sure thing, but the most probable thing to occur going forward is looking for additional funding via a joint development with my Alma Mater, the IBERO Puebla, which is always looking for exciting ideas and projects to develop in order to raise the institution's profile and move technologic discoveries forward. Some people within IBERO have already expressed their interest to see where this whole thing goes.

There's another thing that this project has going on for itself, and that is that per the agreement with the IBERO Puebla, this suit and its proprietary features are to stay in the university for a new generation of students to continuously develop and improve, so in some way, my legacy will become somebody elses and so on and so forth.

In the end, this was never done for monetary gain, as it was just conceived as a proof of concept and a "can we do it?" type of situation, giving birth to a prototype.

Psychomotor development, mainly on gross motor skills, is very important, it can determine whether our joints and muscles have full range of motion, ache-free, and without muscle atrophy. This little project can be one of many to pursue an alternative to physically mature in a healthy fashion. A suit that can demonstrate that you don't need a boatload of money to be in the search for a better future. There will come a time when people with visual disabilities are able to enjoy sight through modern medicine and technology, this is just another attempt to have a go at it, and the data that this project leaves for posterity can be used to pursue that noble goal, all I want to do is help out a little.

Here's a summary video for you to enjoy.
