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Pinball table graphics

Decided to try out Affinity Designer for this. Unlike with Paddle design, which needed a mannufacturing design program, Affinity Designer is meant for graphical design. It is not a raster program, but a vector illustration program, but there is no reason to use rasters if not absolutely necessary. And as a cheaper, less nerdy alternative to Adobe Illustrator and InkScape, it fits my needs perfectly. Some could argue for pirate cooy Adobe Illustrator, but that kind piracy mostly just benefits bigger corporations and reduces competition.

Started with a paper with pinball table dimensions (130cm x 70cm), and drew an arched rectangle on it. Decided to color it with a gradient in sunset colors. The exact positions of the graphical elements do not matter at this point, as the placement (and existence) of game elements need to be figured out with trial and error.

An arch

Added a couple of circles for the bumbers, and took an old drawing that featured a two-headed lizard, and slapped that in the middle of the table.

Ach Hans run! It's the Ouroboros!

Spent way too much time on figuring out a font for the PIBALL! text on the curved path. My font collection is stored on my MacBook, and I was using my iPad to draw, and couldn’t be bothered to figure out how to install fonts to iPads. Thus the font choice is not optimal. The font is just Impact.

A dragon on a table