Week8.Electronics Design

Group Assignment

To accomplish this task, I first decided to try assembling one of the existing instruction schemes. To familiarize myself with the KiCad environment, I chose a USB connector schematic. After launching the KiCad environment, I opened the schematic editor.

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To add elements, I needed to click on the element library and load it. From there, I selected all the necessary elements. Since I didn't have contacts for USB, I created them in a special element editor.

I also created a footprint for it on the board.

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For each element on the schematic, it's necessary to select a footprint on the PCB. This is done in the settings. After all elements are added and their footprints selected, the PCB editor needs to be opened. Footprints for all elements are loaded automatically. It's necessary to create a surface that will limit the board, and then place all the footprints on it.


The next step is to route the traces. If they intersect, they can be routed on another layer.

Then, save and generate all the gerber files. These files are needed for PCB fabrication.

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For designed PCB board for my Final project I used the next element

XIAO esp32s3

Servo SG90 - 2 items

laser 5 mWt

led green (It's very impotent to use green colour for indication working condition, because people are used to this color signifying positive things. In aviation, all working condition are marked in green, and emergency states are marked in red)

resistor 1kOhm

Connector 3 pin - 2 item

1 MOSFET for 5V

1. Creat a new projecr on KiCad.

2. Design electric schem.

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3. I creat new footprint for Laseer and for Servo. I used connectors for added them.


4. Performed the separation of the traces of the pcb board.


5. Export PCB Board to .svg file. (Choose Leyer F.Cu abd Eage.Cut)


6.Used Mods Ce fo export svg to .nc file. Open it with Universal g-code sender.

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7. Board installation.

I used a 1 kOhm resistor because I plan to use a laser diode.

R= (V supply−V laser)/I laser

V supply= 5V

V laser=3.3 V

I laser=1.7м А

R= 1 kOhm

For the first time, I used the method of soldering with the help of paste and a hair dryer. It takes some getting used to, but overall the impressions are good.


Work is done.

you can find kickad files here

you can find svg files here

You can see how the finished board works in the video