Measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it.
Group Assignment:
Probe an input device's analog levels and digital signals
For the group task, we met with our colleagues at FAB LAB PERÚ to perform measurements of the analog level and the digital signal of an input device that we chose.
First, we will work with the flight distance sensor to observe the behavior of the analog level and then we will try a switch that turns on an LED as a digital signal. We will use the DS213 oscilloscope that we have at the FAB LAB UCSUR.
In the first test, we perform a millisecond analysis of the frequency, starting with 10 mS in AUTO mode. We observe that the frequency difference between the highest and lowest level is 15.3 mS.
Furthermore, we analyze the voltage and observe that between one wave and another there is a step of 4.48V.
In the second test, we modify the time level to 2uS and we see that the difference in the wave frequency is 1.93 uS between the highest and lowest level.
To obtain the digital signals, we practice with an LED and a switch that turns on the LED when pressed. We program in ARDUINO IDE to achieve this and then connect the switch to the digital channel of the oscilloscope to observe the digital signal sent by the board.
As for the motion sensor, we connect the corresponding pins and integrate it with the development board.
The ultrasonic sensor was connected in a similar way, using the appropriate pins and making the necessary connections.
Finally, we work with the flight distance sensor, making sure to correctly connect the SDA and SCL pins to the development board and then we program the sensor with the ARDUINO IDE, installing the necessary libraries. We use Adrian Torres' documentation as a reference for this process.
For the next assignment, I am going to use my development board that I made during the OUTPUTS DEVICE week.
I used the TACTILE SWITCH, which is an input that I placed on my development board. I programmed it to flash the LED four times when pressed.
I measured the voltage in the switch with a voltmeter and I got 3.4 V when open, and 0 Volts when closed.