The assignment was:
Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered, answering:
- What will it do?
- Who's done what beforehand?
- What will you design?
- What materials and components will be used?
- Where will come from?
- How much will they cost?
- What parts and systems will be made?
- What processes will be used?
- What questions need to be answered?
- How will it be evaluated?
- Your project should incorporate 2D and 3D design, additive and subtractive fabrication processes, electronics design and production, embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming, system integration and packaging.
- Where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project.
- Where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project.
- Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable
What will it do?
Is a toy for shooting hoops and scoring points wit your fingers.
It is an interactive game:
Allowing users to shoot and score points using their fingers, it provides an interactive basketball experience.
Apply artificial intelligence in sports:
It combines traditional gameplay with modern artificial intelligence technology by recognizing hands and fingers through a web camera to score points according to the number of fingers raised.
Who's done what beforehand?
In the academy I have not seen a project like the one I am proposing, however there are some ideas related to the application of technology in the sport of basketball, for example:
project: Optimal Basketball Shot. author: Justin Browning Christensen.
project: Basketball sleeve. author: Benjamin Rodriguez.
In internet:
The automatic hoop always goes in
How artificial intelligence is changing the game of basketball
What will you design?
- Backboard: 2D, 3D design process and manufacturing with laser cutting technology
- Hoop: 2D, 3D design process and manufacturing with 3D printing technology
- Column: 2D and 3D design process with CNC Router technology and laser cutting technology
- Column counterweight: 2D and 3D design process with CNC Router technology
- PCB: To control of the input and output devices.
- Programming code for the operation of the Xiao RP2040 microcontroller written in Arduino.
- Programming code for the operation of the Hand Landmarks Detection artificial intelligence system written in Python.
- Programming code for the operation of the interface using Tkinter written in Python to keep track of the points.
What materials and components will be used?
- Backboard: MDF 3.0 mm.
- Hoop: Polylactic acid (PLA) white and sky blue
- Column: leftovers plywood 9.0 mm.
- Column counterweight: leftovers plywood 18.0 mm.
- PCB: Copper-clad bakelite PCB
- 01 infrared sensor FC-51
- 01 buzzer
- 01 Xiao RP2040
- 01 USB-C
- 01 PinHeaderx2
- 01 PinHeaderx3
Where will come from?
- Materials such as plywood and MDF for the structure were recycled and made from leftovers.
- The PLA filament is from FabLab ifurniture.
- The electronic components were purchased in a store in the city of Lima.
- The Xiao RP2040 microcontroller was imported from the USA.
***In short, all materials are recycled.
How much will they cost?
What parts and systems will be made?
The Backboard, the support column, the hoop for the board, the ball for testing, and the PCB board were manufactured.
What processes will be used?
- Computer aided desing
- Computer controlled cutting
- 3D printing
- Electronics design
- Electronics production
- Embedded programming
- Computer controlled machining
- Output devices
- Input devices
- Networking and comunications
- Interface and application programing
What questions need to be answered?
- What is the possibility of scaling the game to real life in a basketball game?
- Will players adapt to a system that combines tradition and technology?
- Will there be an obstacle detection sensor that is more effective and economical?
How will it be evaluated?
The objective of the "finger Score Toy" is to introduce people to the use of artificial intelligence technologies in basketball because in the game the referees use signs with their hands and body to indicate different actions that are carried out. out, for example finger signals to mark points, to mark fouls, to mark plays, etc.
Due to the functioning of the toy this objective is being achieved.
Complete your final project tracking your progress
What tasks have been completed and what tasks remain?:
complete all the tasks necessary for the Finger Score Toy to work and boy did it do it, it's not perfect but it works...
What worked? what did not?
The Hands Landmarks artificial intelligence works well, although it is still somewhat confusing for me and the user interface to keep the score worked well.
What did not work as expected is the FC-51 Infrared Sensor since its proper functioning depends on the environment in which it is located. It works in low light, it does not work in bright light.
What questions need to be answered?
- What is the possibility of scaling the game to real life in a basketball game?
- Will players adapt to a system that combines tradition and technology?
- Will there be an obstacle detection sensor that is more effective and economical?
What will happen when?
I can respond in three tenses referring to the past, present and future:
past: As the Academy units passed, the project changed and the idea improved, from a voice-operated scoreboard to a toy that uses artificial intelligence to mark points scored using hand gestures.
present: the finger score toy works, it is not perfect but it works, there were many hours of work, sweat and even almost tears, the result is beautiful to look at and fun.
future: scale the use of the concept and technology used in the Finger Score Toy to real life in basketball games, find a sensor that serves real life purposes and correct the code so that it works perfectly and can be used in tournaments.
What did I learn?
Learn to integrate different systems in a single project.
I learned to apply different solutions to some problems that arose along the way.
I learned to document each process carried out.
And the most important thing is that I learned how to make an idea a reality by applying all the knowledge acquired in the Fab Academy 2024.