Principles and Practices, Project Management

This is my first week at the Academy, I have to document all my learning process, it won't be easy but I will do it. I started using GIT to work with my repository, structured my web page, made my personal presentation (about me), signed the student agreements and outlined my final project.

the assignments were:

Principles and practices -> Plan and sketch a potential final project.

Project management -> Read, sign the student/instructor/lab agreements, and commit to your repos. Work through a git tutorial. Build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project.

Principles and Practices

My final project will be an finger Score Toy (Toy for shooting hoops and scoring points with your fingers)

You can see the details of the project here

Project management

To start with my website that will contain the process, development and results of all the units that I will study in the Fab Academy 2024, I will outline the development flow.


Objetive: Show the planning, development and results of the weekly assignments and the final project.

Design: We proposed a visual scheme (wireframe) of what would be the main page of my website and the scheme of the pages of the distant units that will be worked on each week.

home page wireframe

Wireframe for weekly assignment pages.

Development: For the development of the website we will use the "Bootstrap" library.

You can review the "Bootstrap" documentation by visiting their website

To write code we need to install a code editor, we will use Visual Studio Code which is a lightweight and effective editor with features and extensions for different programming languages.

You can review the "Visual Studio Code" documentation by visiting their website

Download and install the latest version of the software.

We open our local repository in our Visual Studio Code editor and start developing our web page.

Result of the development of the main page in my local repository.


Deployment and Update:To deploy the website and periodically update it, we need version management and control software.

The tool we will use will be GIT.

You can review "GIT" documentation by visiting their website

Now that we've downloaded GIT, we install it and it's time to start using it.

"GitLab" is used in Fab Academy 2024, it is a code repository management platform that uses the Git version control system. When we enrolled, they created a student account for us to manage our repository.

We need to login and configure global user settings, create an ssh key and finally clone the repository.

For the login in the gitlab repository we must do it using the same account we used to register in

The login to the web page will open and we must enter our username and password. It will automatically open the gitlab repository.

We open the GitBash terminal and add a username: git config –-global “your name”

we add our email: git config -–global “”

we generate our ssh key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your email"

Setup the ssh key:

In our respository: click Avatar -> Edidt profile -> User settings -> SSH Keys -> Add new key

in the Git bash terminal to display our ssh key we use the command: cat ~/.ssh/

copy the public key and paste it in our repository

Once our ssh key is added we will be ready to clone our repository.

In our repository we copy the path indicated to clone with ssh.

We create a folder where our project will be, open git bash, execute: git clone paste_the_route

Now we have cloned our repository and we can work on our local computer.

Update:To update the repository in Gitlab, the following procedure must be followed.

-> git add .

-> git commit -m "name-commit"

-> git push

This is the result of the index of my website


Git Workflow

Clone the Repository


git clone repository-path

Create a branch and point to it


git checkout -b branch-name

Make Changes and Confirm (Commit)


git add .

git commit -m "name-commit"

Merge branch (should be on the main branch)


git merge name-branch

Upload changes to repository


git push

Delete Temporary Branches


git branch -d branch-name