Principles and Practices, Project Management

This is my first week at the Academy, I have to document all my learning process, it won't be easy but I will do it. I started using GIT to work with my repository, structured my web page, made my personal presentation (about me), signed the student agreements and outlined my final project.

the assignments were:

Principles and practices -> Plan and sketch a potential final project.

Project management -> Read, sign the student/instructor/lab agreements, and commit to your repos. Work through a git tutorial. Build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project.

Principles and Practices

My final project will be an Electronic voice scoreboard for amateur basketball.

You can see the details of the project here .

Project management

The first step is to navigate to the GIT website and download the latest version of the software.

Now that we've downloaded GIT, we install it and it's time to start using it.

The secod step is to navigate to the Visual Studio code website and download the latest version of the software.

Now that we've downloaded Visual Studio Code, we install it and it's time to start using it.

The third step is to navigate to the Gitlab repository, login and configure the global user settings, create an ssh key and finally clone the repository.

For the login in the gitlab repository we must do it using the same account we used to register in

The login to the web page will open and we must enter our username and password. It will automatically open the gitlab repository.

We open the GitBash terminal and add a username: git config –-global “your name”

we add our email: git config -–global “”

we generate our ssh key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your email"

Setup the ssh key:

In our respository: click Avatar -> Edidt profile -> User settings -> SSH Keys -> Add new key

in the Git bash terminal to display our ssh key we use the command: cat ~/.ssh/

copy the public key and paste it in our repository

Once our ssh key is added we will be ready to clone our repository.

In our repository we copy the path indicated to clone with ssh.

We create a folder where our project will be, open git bash, execute: git clone paste_the_route

Now we have cloned our repository and we can work on our local computer.

We open our local repository in our Visual Studio Code editor and start developing our web page.

Updating the repository in Gitlab: This is the git process to make our first commit and push to our repository in Gitlab:

git add .

git commit -m "name-commit"

git push

This is the index of my website