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A19 - Project Development

What tasks have been completed?

So far: * A node talks to the hub * The node boards have been milled * Individual systems have been tested * The soil sensors are outputting through the PCB * The power timer turns everything off

  • The Hub is on a breadboard
  • The camera takes photos
  • The pumps work

What tasks remain?

  • Clean up code for the nodes
  • Integrate all of the systems for the nodes
  • Integrate the hub and node output, get the pumps working

What has worked? what hasn't?

What worked?

  • The Bambulab printers are a big step in the right direction for prototyping work, being able to press print and expect a part after is a relief after using an Ender 3 for the last 3 years.
  • Planning each task before starting, writing code top down (starting with UX), and using a todo list in Git
  • Vinyl cutting is a really cool way to customise and add colour to 3D prints (and maybe PCBs) I would have loved to have had some more time to make the PCB a bit cleaner

What hasn't?

  • ESP-NOW had a couple hickups
  • Milled Single-Sided PCB's were a bit restricting. being able to add some more complexity with solder masks and a second layer would allow more creativity.
  • No time :(

What questions need to be resolved?

  • How reliable is the system?
  • How do I edit and shoot a fun video?

What will happen when?

In the next week I'll get the remaining tasks completed, and the slide and video uploaded

What have you learned?

  • Dont scope creep projects too much
  • Know when to cull features
  • There isnt enough time