✔️Week 18: Invention, Intellectual Property and Income

Dissemintation Plan

I have extensive experience making educational maker videos so I am going to try and have some fun with my project. I am going to try and spice it up a little bit and get that personality of LEO in my video. I think I will open with introducing him and giving him the microphone to make a beep sound or something to say hello, and go through how he was built. There are bound to be a few shotty or jank things in him, or flaws in general and I think its always better to approach them comedically and play into it than to hide it. I also think the highlight of this will be getting him to dance, I want to use the same music that boston dynamics uses for their atlas dancing robot, and I think there will be enough movement on LEO to make something entertaining.

This with tight editing to breeze through the build process and showing what hes made off should be entertaining. And thats what im mainly going for - entertainment. I have heard sometimes Neil can probe and poke pretty hard in questions time, but I feel I know my project enough not to worry.

Future Possibilities

This whole project was centeres around future possibilities as LEO is a testbed for my robotics skills. From adding redundancy and providing enough headroom and resources, even down to more mounting holes, I have enabled LEO to be expanded upon. I think the first expansion would be SLAM with LIDAR. I can get a cheap lidar unit that returns a point cloud via UART and process that on the Pi 4. It might even be a wise choice to upgrade the Pi 4 to run ROS.

Another avenue I want to do is to try and experiement with some beamforming using simple ultrasonic sensors, this would be mounted on LEO and ran with another pico, but I would be able to plug it into the Pi 4 to develop with on the machine.

I also want to add an arm, having something to be able to interact with the world around would be good.

And also some computer vision maybe.

Upload draft summary and slide

Done. You can view it now to see that its up! This was actually the easiest submission for this sort of stuff I've ever had thank you to who ever did it this way.