About Me Assignments Projects

Week 15


This week, I decided to develop a jumping game using Python and interface it with my hardware. The focus of my project is on application development and interfacing. I plan to create a game where the player can control a character's jumping actions using physical hardware components. This involves integrating input from the hardware into the game's controls, providing a more interactive and immersive experience for the player.


The concept for my project is to develop a jumping game that utilizes an accelerometer connected to the game via Bluetooth. The accelerometer will detect when the player jumps, and this action will be mirrored in the game, causing the character to jump as well. By integrating hardware and software through Bluetooth communication, the game will offer a dynamic and interactive experience where physical movements directly influence gameplay.


The Xiao ESP32-C3 is a compact and powerful microcontroller board based on the ESP32-C3 chip. It features a 32-bit RISC-V core with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities. With its small form factor and low power consumption, it's well-suited for embedded projects where space and energy efficiency are crucial. The board provides GPIO pins for interfacing with external components, making it ideal for sensor integration and control applications. Additionally, its support for Bluetooth Low Energy enables easy communication with other devices, such as smartphones or PCs. Overall, the Xiao ESP32-C3 offers a versatile platform for developing projects that require wireless connectivity and sensor interaction.

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The MPU6050 is a popular accelerometer and gyroscope sensor module often used in motion sensing applications. It features a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope, allowing it to measure acceleration and rotation in three dimensions. The MPU6050 communicates with microcontrollers via I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocol, making it easy to interface with various development boards like the Xiao ESP32-C3. By reading the sensor's data, you can detect changes in orientation, tilt, and motion. For the jumping game project, the MPU6050 will be used to detect the player's jumps by monitoring changes in acceleration. When the player jumps, the accelerometer will register the sudden upward acceleration, which will be interpreted by the microcontroller (Xiao ESP32-C3) to trigger the character's jump in the game.

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Designing PCB for ESP-NOW Communication using EasyEDA

Circuit Design

For your jumping game project, you can design a simple PCB using EasyEDA to connect the Xiao ESP32-C3 and the MPU6050 sensor. Here's a basic circuit design:

Xiao ESP32-C3:

MPU6050 Sensor: