About Me Assignments Projects

Week 13 Assignment



In this project, an ESP8266 development board acts as the master controller, communicating with two ESP-WROOM-02D modules configured as secondery nodes. The goal is to establish a wireless communication network using the ESP-NOW protocol, enabling remote control of devices connected to each ESP-WROOM-02D module. This project is intented for efficient and direct communication between the master and secondery nodes without the need for a traditional Wi-Fi network infrastructure. By leveraging ESP-NOW, the project achieves low-latency and reliable data transmission, making it suitable for applications requiring decentralized control or point-to-point communication scenarios.

Project Overview

In this project, an ESP8266 development board acts as the master controller, communicating wirelessly with two ESP8266 modules configured as secondary nodes. Each secondary node controls an LED. The master ESP8266 can remotely toggle these LEDs on or off based on commands transmitted over Wi-Fi using the ESP-NOW protocol.

Project Details:

ESP-NOW Communication Protocol

Sample Image

i used the following documentations as references for ESPNOW

see the documentation here

see the data sheet here


Each device participating in the ESP-NOW network needs to be initialized with the ESP-NOW protocol. One device typically acts as a sender (transmitter), while the other acts as a receiver. However, devices can also operate in both roles.


Devices need to register their MAC addresses with each other to establish a communication link. Once registered, devices can communicate directly without needing to know each other's IP addresses.

Sending Data:

The sender prepares data to be transmitted, which can be in the form of packets. ESP-NOW supports both unicast (point-to-point) and broadcast communication. For unicast communication, the sender specifies the MAC address of the receiver. For broadcast, it sends data to a predefined broadcast MAC address.


The sender transmits data packets over the air using the ESP-NOW protocol. The receiver, listening for ESP-NOW packets, captures and processes the incoming data.


The receiver receives the data packets and processes the information contained within them. It can then perform actions based on the received data, such as displaying temperature and humidity readings on the OLED display.


ESP-NOW does not provide built-in acknowledgment of received packets. However, the application can implement its own acknowledgment mechanism if required.

Error Handling:

ESP-NOW does not include error correction or retransmission mechanisms. Applications may need to handle packet loss or errors at a higher level if necessary.

Power Management:

Devices can operate in low-power modes, waking up periodically to send or receive data as needed. This allows for efficient use of battery-powered devices in IoT applications.

Designing PCB for ESP-NOW Communication using EasyEDA


To design a PCB for the ESP WROOM-02D module using EasyEDA, follow these steps. The design includes the minimum circuit for the module, pull-up resistors, boot and flash buttons, an LED connected to pin 12 via a 1K resistor, extended VCC, GND, TX, and RX for programming using an FTDI breakout, and a 3.3V regulator IC with 100uF capacitors.

Step-by-Step Guide

Create a New Project in EasyEDA:

Add Components:

Component Placement:

Connect the Components:

Power Supply:

FTDI Programming Header:

Pull-up Resistors and Buttons:

LED Connection:

Sample Image

download the schematic here

Routing the PCB:

Final Checks and Gerber File Generation:

Sample Image

download the gerber here

To know more about PCB design using EasyEDA, please look up my week 9 tutorial.

Bill of Materials

After finalizing the PCB designs, I generated a Bill of Materials (BOM) using EasyEDA's built-in BOM generator. This BOM listed all the components needed for the project. Next, I requested the components using the Fab Stash, our lab's inventory management app, ensuring I had all the necessary parts for assembly.

Number Part Name Specification Quantity
1 Capacitor 10uF 2
2 Switch K4-6×6_SMD 2
3 Connector PORT-4PIN-P2.54 1
4 Resistor 10kΩ 2
5 Resistor 1kΩ 1
6 ESP Module ESP-WROOM-02D 1
7 Voltage Regulator LM1117MP-2.5/NOPB 1
8 LED LED1206-RD 1


After designing the PCB layouts for my ESP-NOW communication project using EasyEDA, I exported the Gerber files and converted them into PNG images of the pads, traces, and drill holes using our lab's Gerber to PNG converter tool. These images were essential for visualizing the PCB design before manufacturing. Then, following the fabrication methods discussed during the Embedded Production Week, I used the PNG files to mill my PCB on the Modela milling machine. This fabrication process allowed me to create precise and customized PCBs for my project, ensuring proper connectivity and functionality of the ESP-NOW communication system.


With the components in hand, I proceeded to solder the two PCBs together. Following the soldering process, I verified the connections and tested the functionality of the ESP-NOW communication system. This involved checking for proper signal transmission between the sender and receiver devices and ensuring that the OLED display showed accurate temperature and humidity readings. Through careful assembly and testing, I successfully completed the project, readying it for deployment in my IoT application.

Sample Image



Connection Setup:

Sample Image

Programming Mode:

Using the IDE:

Uploading Code:

Getting WROOM-02DA MAC Address

To send messages between WROOM-02DA boards, each board needs a unique MAC address. Below is the Arduino code that retrieves the MAC address of an WROOM-02DA board:

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <esp_wifi.h>

void readMacAddress(){
  uint8_t baseMac[6];
  esp_err_t ret = esp_wifi_get_mac(WIFI_IF_STA, baseMac);
  if (ret == ESP_OK) {
                  baseMac[0], baseMac[1], baseMac[2],
                  baseMac[3], baseMac[4], baseMac[5]);
  } else {
    Serial.println("Failed to read MAC address");

void setup(){


  Serial.print("[DEFAULT] WROOM-02DA  Board MAC Address: ");
void loop(){
  // Empty loop

Explanation of the Code:

The provided Arduino code retrieves the MAC address of an WROOM-02DA board using the ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework) library functions:

Sample Image

ESP8266 Master code

        #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
        #include <espnow.h>
        // Replace with receiver MAC Addresses
        uint8_t slave1Address[] = {0xDC, 0x4F, 0x22, 0x62, 0xFA, 0x0A};
        uint8_t slave2Address[] = {0xDC, 0x4F, 0x22, 0x62, 0xF9, 0xFA};
        typedef struct struct_message {
          char message[32];
        } struct_message;
        struct_message myData;
        void OnDataSent(uint8_t *mac_addr, uint8_t sendStatus) {
          Serial.print("Last Packet Send Status: ");
          if (sendStatus == 0){
            Serial.println("Delivery success");
          } else {
            Serial.println("Delivery fail");
        void setup() {
          Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize serial communication for debugging
          WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // Set ESP8266 as a Wi-Fi station
          if (esp_now_init() != 0) {
            Serial.println("Error initializing ESP-NOW");
          esp_now_set_self_role(ESP_NOW_ROLE_CONTROLLER); // Set device role
          esp_now_register_send_cb(OnDataSent); // Register callback for send status
          esp_now_add_peer(slave1Address, ESP_NOW_ROLE_SLAVE, 1, NULL, 0); // Add Slave 1 as a peer
          esp_now_add_peer(slave2Address, ESP_NOW_ROLE_SLAVE, 1, NULL, 0); // Add Slave 2 as a peer
        void loop() {
          static int state = 0;
          static String ledStatus;
          if (Serial.available() > 0) {
            if (state == 0) {
              ledStatus = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
              if (ledStatus == "1" || ledStatus == "0") {
                ledStatus.toCharArray(myData.message, 32);
                Serial.println("Enter node number to send to (1, 2, or A):");
                state = 1;
              } else {
                Serial.println("Invalid LED status. Please enter 1 (on) or 0 (off).");
            } else if (state == 1) {
              String node = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
              if (node == "1") {
                esp_now_send(slave1Address, (uint8_t *) &myData, sizeof(myData));
                Serial.println("Sent data to Slave 1");
              } else if (node == "2") {
                esp_now_send(slave2Address, (uint8_t *) &myData, sizeof(myData));
                Serial.println("Sent data to Slave 2");
              } else if (node == "A") {
                esp_now_send(slave1Address, (uint8_t *) &myData, sizeof(myData));
                esp_now_send(slave2Address, (uint8_t *) &myData, sizeof(myData));
                Serial.println("Sent data to both Slaves");
              } else {
                Serial.println("Invalid node number. Please enter 1, 2, or A.");
              state = 0;

code explanation


Includes necessary libraries for ESP8266 Wi-Fi functionality and ESP-NOW communication.

MAC Addresses

Defines MAC addresses of the two ESP8266 modules (slave1Address and slave2Address) that will receive data.

Data Structure

Defines a struct_message structure with a message array to store data that will be sent.

Callback Function (OnDataSent)

Callback function triggered after data is sent, indicating the delivery status via Serial monitor.

Setup Function

Initializes the ESP8266 module:

Loop Function

Continuously checks for input from the Serial monitor:

Secondery Nods code

              #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
              #include <espnow.h>
              // Structure example to receive data
              typedef struct struct_message {
                char message[32];
              } struct_message;
              // Create a struct_message called myData
              struct_message myData;
              const int ledPin = 12; // Change to your actual LED pin
              // Callback function that will be executed when data is received
              void OnDataRecv(uint8_t *mac, uint8_t *incomingData, uint8_t len) {
                // Copy received data into myData structure
                memcpy(&myData, incomingData, sizeof(myData));
                // Print received data details
                Serial.print("Bytes received: ");
                Serial.print("Message: ");
                // Control LED based on the received message
                if (String(myData.message) == "1") {
                  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn on LED
                } else if (String(myData.message) == "0") {
                  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn off LED
              void setup() {
                // Initialize Serial Monitor
                // Set device as a Wi-Fi Station
                // Initialize ESP-NOW
                if (esp_now_init() != 0) {
                  Serial.println("Error initializing ESP-NOW");
                // Set device role as a slave and register callback function for received data
                // Initialize LED pin as output
                pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
              void loop() {
                // Empty loop as all functionality is handled in the callback function



Includes necessary libraries for ESP8266 Wi-Fi functionality and ESP-NOW communication.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <espnow.h>

Data Structure

Defines a structure struct_message to encapsulate received data with a message field of maximum 32 characters.

typedef struct struct_message {
char message[32];
} struct_message;

Global Variables

Defines myData to store incoming data and ledPin to specify the digital pin connected to an LED.

struct_message myData;
const int ledPin = 12; // Change to your actual LED pin

Callback Function (OnDataRecv)

Executed when data is received via ESP-NOW. Copies received data into myData structure and controls the LED based on the received message.

void OnDataRecv(uint8_t *mac, uint8_t *incomingData, uint8_t len) {
memcpy(&myData, incomingData, sizeof(myData));
Serial.print("Bytes received: ");
Serial.print("Message: ");

if (String(myData.message) == "1") {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
} else if (String(myData.message) == "0") {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

Setup Function

Initializes the ESP8266 module, sets up ESP-NOW communication, and configures the LED pin.

void setup() {
// Initialize Serial Monitor

// Set device as a Wi-Fi Station

// Init ESP-NOW
if (esp_now_init() != 0) {
Serial.println("Error initializing ESP-NOW");

// Register for recv CB to get recv packet info

// Initialize LED pin
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

Loop Function

Empty loop function as all functionality is handled in the callback function.

void loop() {
// Empty loop as all functionality is handled in the callback function


Data Flow and Operation Overview

Master Node (Transmitter)


Sending Data:

Transmission Process:

Secondary Nodes (Receivers)


Receiving Data:

Feedback to Master:

Sample Image

the above image shows how the nods are connected together i used one esp8266 as master node and 2 secondary nods wroom 2D module


USB to TTL Converter

A USB to TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) converter is a device that allows a computer to communicate with serial devices using the USB port. It converts USB signals into TTL signals, which are commonly used in microcontroller and embedded system applications. This converter is essential for programming and debugging microcontrollers and other devices that use serial communication.

Key Features

Pinout for Connecting USB to TTL Converter to ESP WROOM 2D

To program the ESP WROOM 2D module using a USB to TTL converter, connect the pins as follows:

USB to TTL Converter Pin ESP WROOM 2D Pin Description
VCC VCC Provides power to the ESP WROOM 2D
GND GND Common ground connection
TXD RXD Transmit data from USB to TTL to RXD
RXD TXD Receive data from TXD to USB to TTL
DTR (optional) EN Used for auto-reset functionality
RTS (optional) GPIO0 Used to put the ESP in boot mode

The USB TO TTL CONVERTER simplifies programming and debugging of microcontroller-based systems by converting USB signals to a format compatible with UART interfaces, easing hardware communication complexities.

Power Supply:

Sample Image


afetr uploaing the code i powerd up the esp 8266 master and opened serial moniter and started to send the data

Group assigment week 13

Sample Image see the group assingment here


download the CODES here download the CODES here

DOWNLOAD THE milling files

download the png images here


download the CODES here


download the EASYEDA FILES here